2023-03-17 ULMS Steering Committee Meeting Agenda


Mar 17, 2023




Brandon's Zoom - https://calstate.zoom.us/my/bdudley


@Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed) @Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed) Marianne Foley @Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed) @Ian Chan (Unlicensed) @Austin Lenzen (Unlicensed) @Jill Strykowski (Unlicensed) @Gabriel Castaneda (Unlicensed) @David Walker

Discussion topics










Call To Order

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)



COLD Update

@Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed)
@David Walker



2022 Satisfaction Survey Meeting Update

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

4 meetings so far

  • Analytics

  • Resource Sharing

  • Support

  • Data Excellence


3 scheduled

  • Alma (general UI + Fulfillment and Res. Mgmt top issues) - Mar 27

  • Data Excellence cont. - Mar 28

  • Discovery - non-index related - Apr 3


eCAUG Meeting update

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Dates: week of Aug 28 is target

Length: two days, mid-week

Location: California Digital Library offices, Oakland

  • Planning committee survey is closed - candidates will be chosen on Monday.


Committee check-in

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

@Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed)

@David Walker



Committee Discussion




Committee Updates


Committee Updates


Assessment & Analytics

@Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed)

The Analytics committee met with Ex Libris to discuss performance issues and pain points. Specifically issues of insufficient documentation, excessive report run times and instances of data missing from a report. Ex Libris encouraged participation in the Analytics Community of Practice. The community of practice focuses on sharing best practices, tips and tricks, and use cases related Analytics products Members of the community share their experiences with these products, discuss common challenges, and collaborate on solutions. The committee provided examples from the pain points to Ex Libris. 


Will discuss at the next analytics meeting whether there have been marked improvements in speed. Analytic reports that previously took an extraordinary amount of time to complete, were finishing in 1-2 minutes, which Ex Libris mentioned in the meeting, should be the standard amount of time for most reports that are not pulling significant amount of data (ie. Network zone reports).


@Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

  • Working with Brandon on re-indexing to take advantage of updates to 505 $t.

  • Prepare for meetings with Ex Libris, including list of non-indexing Discovery issues.

  • Plan additional open forums to follow up on open action items.

  • Finalize Primo VE Evaluation Survey report.


@Austin Lenzen (Unlicensed)

  • RapidILL lendable note form sent to Ann Roll and SDLC for review – COLIN, a part of SRDC, is taking over investigation of license terms of use

  • ERM group is meeting with Stacy Magedanz and COLIN to determine a list of license terms that have the most impact on operations

  • Jessica will be presenting on Rapido/RapidILL project at the April TS Open Forum (as she mentioned in 3/16 TS Open Forum)

  • Continue Wiki cleanup project


@Gabriel Castaneda (Unlicensed)

We’ve started interviewing for the General Fulfillment Survey and have completed 3 CSU interviews.

Resource Management

@Jill Strykowski (Unlicensed)

  1. Committee and Task Force update

    1. The NZ Management Group update - Brandon is making sure they have what they need

    2. IDTF is finalizing workflow plans for adding homosaurus headings to records in Connexion. They will be looking for volunteers tp help update records soon.

    3. Advocating for an NZ manager in the CO’s office

      1. Jill needs to write up notes from opening conversation and distribute for commentary

  2. OA editing in the NZ

    1. Jill has parameters from Jessica Hartwigsen but has yet to create a norm rule. Hoping to look at it this in April and coordinate with NZ management group

  3. Secondary resource types

    1. Jill and Brandon are working on it

  4. NACO/SACO coordination

    1. a number of CSU employees recently finished NACO training

    2. Nerissa and Jill will schedule forum to talk about policy planning for name additions in coordination with the wiki authorities/ linked data group

    3. Nerissa just updated funnel page with current contacts and instructions

Resource Sharing

@Priscilla Ortiz (Unlicensed)

  • Continue to host more Rapido Refresher’s with Resource Sharing Community (so far have held on Sets/Organization, Lending, Borrowing, next planned one is one Copyright). 

  • Chris has configured requested changes/customizations in Letters for lending and tested successfully with Priscilla at San Bernardino. Demonstrated to community in I-SPIE TV and he will begin working on changes/customizations in the Borrowing letters based on feedback from community in previous I-SPIE TV. 

  • Preparing Illiad as a last resort “things to look out for” document based on each unique library situation (for example, it will look different for libraries with NCIP enabled versus not enabled)

  • Finalize WIKI clean up project (archive content no longer relevant, link pages to current Rapido content, etc.)

Action items
