2022-11-18 ULMS Steering Committee Meeting Agenda


Nov 18, 2022




Brandon's Zoom - https://calstate.zoom.us/my/bdudley


@Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed) @David Walker @Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed) Marianne Foley @Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed) @Ian Chan (Unlicensed) @Austin Lenzen (Unlicensed) @Rachael-Joy Davis (Unlicensed) @Jill Strykowski (Unlicensed) @Christina (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics










Call To Order

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)



COLD Update

@Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed)
@David Walker

  • Scott Walter (San Diego) taking over for Michele Van Hoeck (Maritime) as COLD Chair

  • ULMS topics at next COLD meeting (Dec 1-2)

  • Strategic Planning Task Force

    • Leaning toward revising existing plan vs. creating new one.

    • Gathering feedback from deans

      • which current priorities have been met / need to continue / no longer priorities


ELUNA updates

@Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed)

  • Training and documentation group

    • focus so far more on training

    • looking for feedback from customers on navigating the current offerings

  • ELUNA workshops

    • review topics for Knowledge Days

    • cannot attend multiple ones

    • late in asking for proposals

  • Looking to move off NERS to AHA for new enhancement voting

    • would change the process too much, so delayed

    • will use NERS for this year’s cycle

    • Christina happy to provide insights into process for campuses


2022 Satisfaction Survey Update

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

  • suggestion to do a post-mortem on how the process worked

    • sending out surveys

    • town-hall


ULMS In-Person Meeting Update

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

  • Jill volunteered for conference planning

  • Last meeting at Northridge had over 130 attendees


COLD handbook

@brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

  • No further discussion


Committee Business


@Christina (Unlicensed) - Rapido Courier partner inclusion -

  • Steering Committee approved the proposal


Big Idea

@Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed)



Committee Updates


Committee Updates


Assessment & Analytics

@Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed)

The Assessment and Analytics group met with the RSFC on 10/26 to discuss what reports would be valuable for a Rapido dashboard. The group has worked on Rapido reports in the Network Zone that have been copied over to the Shared Community folder. The dashboard is close to completion and the progress will be shared at ISPIE on 11/17.

Natalya Magazino, Chris Lee and Kevin Phillips met with Meghann Weldon from Ex Libris to discuss discrepancies between Borrowing Request numbers in RapidILL and Alma analytics. There was also discussion on the issue of filled + unfilled requests not equaling the total amount of requests.


@Ian Chan (Unlicensed)

  • Review and discuss the Primo VE Survey Report - Committee will categorize and summarize issues and suggestions described in responses by degree of complexity and effort. E.g. doable, possibly doable, and can’t do. The group will plan to complete the write-up by Nov 28, 2022.

  • Primo VE Release Testing team has a draft covering procedures and processes for testing.

  • Looking for highlights to share from the gathering of UI/UX Assessment research articles and projects

  • Discussion regarding secondary resource types will be held with input from Resource Management FC - will guide NZ configurations

  • Committee agreed to plan open forum for Jan 27, 2023 , 1PM - 2PM

  • Looking at partnering with other committees and task forces - ERM, Res Mgmt and Linked Data TF are targets

  • Discussion at ELUNA Primo PWG referenced Primo product managers meeting that briefly describes plans to implement accessibility improvements. They are working to complete a contract with an external auditor for all the fixes this year. Then will update the VPAT and list of roadmap issues for 2023. Document targeted end of November, finished certainly by end of year.


@Austin Lenzen (Unlicensed)

We met with Chris Lee regarding RapidILL and ecollections, and we recommended he present at the TS Open Forum (yesterday) to get input from Acquisitions personnel as the project requires them for license interpretation and us for implementation.  Once everyone is onboard, we will move forward with editing our ecollections’ local notes.  Also, the ERM committee, with our partners in Acquisitions, plans on creating a shared (licensing) document that all campuses can reference.


@Rachael-Joy Davis (Unlicensed)

  • Reviewing Fulfillment Satisfaction Survey responses from the fulfillment community. Responses are still coming in, so we will continue with follow-up and outreach over the next several days. 

  • Continuing work on developing a general Access Services survey or interview structure we hope to implement in January 2023. More to come on this soon!

Resource Management

@Jill Strykowski (Unlicensed)  

  1. Two proposals for review from the Linked Data Task Force approved:

    1. Wikidata Project Page

    2. Linked Data Study Group

  2. Starting review to advocate for an NZ manager in the CO

  3. RM satisfaction survey circulating

  4. SDSU team putting together request for better OA resource tagging in the NZ

  5. Survey for additional secondary resource type indicator rules

Resource Sharing

@Christina (Unlicensed)

Exlibris Satisfaction Town Hall 

CSU+/ Rapido promotional content creation

Find partner testing in Rapido

Walk-in patron configuration and testing

Updating Wiki page 

Workflow demonstrations

Action items
