2019-05-28 Meeting Notes




Note Taker: Jamie Lamberti

Discussion items


CSU Walkin Recommendations


  • Brandon sent out the Cal State Walk-in recommendations to the Access Services listserv.
  • Feedback is due by Tuesday, June 11th.
  • Next steps:
    • Brandon will share with COLD and ask for comments/concerns/questions
    • If there are no objections, the policy will be adopted and the Fulfillment Committee will work on implementation
    • Work with Brandon to get on Wiki
    • Make it official.
      • We should also add screen prints and specific instructions for setting up configuration
      • Notify campuses
    • Hopefully in place by summer
Circ Operator Functions Change
  • Christine investigating.
Summer ULMS Training
  • The format will be similar to day 2 of the 2018 Summer training where each committee will have 2-3 presentation times.
  • Possible topics:
    • Leganto
    • Shelf report programs (Purdue vs. Georgetown)
  • Cathe & Kevin will work on creating a poll to send to the Access Services listserv within the next week.
  • Send all ideas to Cathe & Kevin.
Functional Committee Nominations for next year
  • Nomination deadline May 28.
Course Info not showing up on Primo record because of Dedup #00649878 (Cathe)
  • Dave Walker hopes the issue will be resolved in the Renorm on June 24th 
Reserves workflow review and update (Cathe)
  • Cathe sent the Reserves workflow documentation to reserves staff at San Diego, San Jose, and Humboldt. Responses are due in 2 weeks.
  • Notify Cathe if you or your Reserves staff would also like to review the workflow.
Resource Sharing Items appearing on restore to shelf list (Cathe)
  • Cathe has asked Chris Lee to document the ILLiad/NCIP process.
  • Cathe will work with Mallory and Joe in June to determine why Resource Sharing items are being give a due back date and showing up on the Restore list

Reserve Analytics Update


  • On hold
  • Timing may work out to pick this back up after course reserves documentation is finalized

CSU+ Damaged Items Standards

  • The standards have been passed on to the RSFC for comment. Cathe will follow-up.
Idea Exchange on Lost and Paid credit on found books
  • Jamie will contact Kirstie within the week to see if she is interested in working on the idea.
Final FFC Projects
  • The current committee make-up ends on June 30th.
  • In June the committee will work on finalizing current projects and planning the Summer meeting topics.
  • Cathe will write up a list of FFC accomplishments for the Steering Committee.

What’s going well? What’s making you crazy?

  • SFSU has an issue with the Course Reserve look-up tool where the link for a personal copy/brief bib points to the e-resources instead of the physical copy. This has been passed on to Dave Walker who will look into the issue.

Next Meeting: 05/28/19 @ 11 am   

Jaime is going to be out for the next two weeks.