We need to put a How to Guide for the configuration on Fulfillment page with screenshots
We also need to put up procedures on how to place a manual CSU+ request
May be good to present both of these at open forum
COLD has not been involved yet but we may not need approval from them–just let them know it is happening.
New FFC Committee members
Jamie on for another two years. Vice chair then chair.
Two new members joining.
Natasha moving to Analytics Functional Committee.
Summer ULMS Training
Get registered soon! Cap on attendance = 120.
Presenters are not yet lined up but Kevin will present on inventory (hopefully with a partner) and there is interest from Joanna at DH to present on another topic. Still working on last set of presenters for analytics topic.
Survey on the topics gave some good content for future open forum presentations.
Course Info not showing up on Primo record because of Dedup #00649878 (Cathe)
Looks like the fix worked!
Reserves workflow review and update (Cathe)
All feedback from campuses received.
Cathe will compile all information as a summer project and distribute to Kevin to release it into the wild (post on wiki, etc).
Resource Sharing Items appearing on restore to shelf list (Cathe)
No updates.
CSU+ Damaged Items Standards
Cathe emailed Joe asking him to take over completing and submitting this policy.
There is one section that needs slight rewording but that’s being moved forward. Should be done soon.
Enhancement voting second round
Don’t think any of our recommendations made it to the second round but vote anyway!
What’s going well? What’s making you crazy?
July release highlights:
Cathe is excited about user popup notes.
Jamie is excited about temp storage location and Dematic/Alma messages being fixed.
Natasha is excited about an analytics user stats issue that ExL is fixing.