Everyone from SC on board for suggestions from FFC
Suggestions from SC:
Set loan limit as part of recommendations.
FFC consensus to recommend undergrad loan limit as we are already recommending undergrad loan period.
Can materials be returned to any CSU campus?
While most campuses do allow "courtesy returns," there is no way to track materials in Alma and they will not be checked in until it reaches the library
We need to collaborate with Resource Sharing FC
Get agreement that all campuses will allow courtesy returns
Come up with a procedure on how to handle them
Natasha will communicate with Joe to coordinate
Next steps–when we have final draft:
Brandon will share the proposed policy in his monthly ULMS update and ask for comments/concerns/questions
Brandon will share with COLD and ask for comments/concerns/questions
If there are no objections, the policy will be adopted and the Fulfillment Committee will work on implementation
Work with Brandon to get on Wiki
Make it official.
We should also add screen prints and specific instructions for setting up configuration
Notify campuses
Hopefully in place by summer
Summer ULMS Training
No date yet but looks like it will be in Sacramento
Not sure if 1- or 2-day training
Probably same format as previous ones, but TBD
Want us to start coming up with topics/potential instructors - we should start thinking of areas of need
Kevin will oversee this as the event will occur when he takes over as chair
Functional Committee Nominations for next year
Revising nomination forms which will be sent out in May
Acquisitions/ERM will be split up into 2 committees
Course Info not showing up on Primo record because of Dedup #00649878 (Cathe)
Cathe notified Dave Walker with the case information and Dave is looking into it
The normalization rules would need to be done at the consortia level
Reserves workflow review and update (Cathe)
Cathe is in process of revising workflow that was in the team drive and adding end of term procedures
She is then going to pass it onto reserves staff from other campuses to look at it
Timing may work out to pick this back up after course reserves documentation is finalized
CSU+ Damaged Items Standards
Still waiting on Jeremy
When document is ready, FFC will review one more time
Alma-L advice on print slips (Matthew)
No updates; still in progress
Report for items in CR location but no active course
Natasha updated report for reserve locations with no course associated to add a prompt to report and lifecycle=active
Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Institutions/CalState/Fulfillment/Unverified Reports/Course Reserves: Items No Longer on Reserve. Use the OPEN option so you get the prompt to select your course reserve locations.
All FFC test and report back
If it works, we'll move to verified folder
Matthew can demo at Open Forum
Open Forum on May 7th
Cathe will send out Save the Dates today (4/23/19)
Can talk about CSU Walk-in recommendations if they are finalized
Kevin/Natasha can discuss what happened at ELUNA
Cathe will finalize agenda and touchbase with presenters prior to the meeting
ELUNA is next week!
Kevin/Natasha will be going
Next Meeting: 05/7/19 @ 11 am OPEN FORUM!
FFC will not meet on 4/30/2019 – Cathe will be sending an email check-in to FFC members