2019-05-14 Meeting Notes




Note Taker: Natasha Allen

Discussion items


CSU Walkin Recommendations


  • Changes:
    • Courtesy returns: Natasha will send an email to Joe about what that document is called for the process of handling items lost/damaged re: tricor then add it to the document then it’s done.
    • Loan period: 60 days 
    • Loan limits: 20 minimum 
  • Natasha will make these changes and send to Cathe. 
  • Next steps–when we have final draft:
    • Brandon will share the proposed policy in his monthly ULMS update and ask for comments/concerns/questions
    • Brandon will share with COLD and ask for comments/concerns/questions
    • If there are no objections, the policy will be adopted and the Fulfillment Committee will work on implementation
    • Work with Brandon to get on Wiki
    • Make it official.
      • We should also add screen prints and specific instructions for setting up configuration
      • Notify campuses
    • Hopefully in place by summer
Circ Operator Functions Change
  • Changes were made by Ex Libris that caused certain roles to have options that weren’t previously available to them. 
  • Christine will look into what changes, if any, have been made and report back.
Summer ULMS Training
  • Set for Aug. 8 at CSU Northridge
  • One day training
  • Need to come up with topics/potential instructors
  • Kevin will oversee this as the event will occur when he takes over as chair
Functional Committee Nominations for next year
  • Looking for 4 new members, one of whom will be vice-chair
  • Any suggestions folks may have for nominees should be brought up with one’s dean.
  • Looking for individuals who are excited, ready to learn, and/or experts in their fulfillment areas.
Course Info not showing up on Primo record because of Dedup #00649878 (Cathe)
  • Cathe has been working with Dave on this. Seems like a simple solution but it’s actually fairly complicated.
  • Nikki suggests not deduping items on course reserve
Reserves workflow review and update (Cathe)
  • Cathe completed draft and has her course reserves coordinator reviewing.
  • She is then going to pass it onto reserves staff from other campuses to look at it

Reserve Analytics Update


  • On hold
  • Timing may work out to pick this back up after course reserves documentation is finalized

CSU+ Damaged Items Standards

  • Still waiting on Jeremy
  • When document is ready, FFC will review one more time
Alma-L advice on print slips (Matthew)
  • Matthew put out a query on Alma-L listserv and will look into responses and report back and if any end up being useful for CSULA, will open up the possibility of hosting at the CO so other campuses can use it.
Idea Exchange on Lost and Paid credit on found books
  • Jamie (possibly in collaboration with Kirstie) will write up the enhancement for the idea exchange this summer.

What’s going well? What’s making you crazy?

  • Natasha: issues continue with statistical categories not showing up in the fulfillment SA of analytics. Ex Libris remains unhelpful. Will be escalating to Brandon soon.
  • Cathe: issues with resource sharing. Lots of ILLiad items showing up on the restore item list. They have to go through one by one to remove the ILLiad items.
  • Christine: disparities between physical fulfillment and usage data - suggestion to talk to Nikki or discuss with analytics slack group.
  • ELUNA will be in Los Angeles next year!

Next Meeting: 05/21/19 @ 11 am