Brandon will share the proposed policy in his monthly ULMS update and ask for comments/concerns/questions
Brandon will share with COLD and ask for comments/concerns/questions
If there are no objections, the policy will be adopted and the Fulfillment Committee will work on implementation
Work with Brandon to get on Wiki
Make it official.
We should also add screen prints and specific instructions for setting up configuration
Notify campuses
Hopefully in place by summer
Circ Operator Functions Change
Christine investigating.
Summer ULMS Training
Summer training is back on in Northridge on August 8th.
The FFC needs to come up with topics and presenters for 3 sessions and a fulfillment meeting.
ExLibris will not be involved; only the CSUs.
Steering Committee is recommending sending out a poll to the Fulfillment ULMS listserv to ask for ideas for presentations and potential presenters.
Kevin will be heading this up since it will be during his time chairing the committee.
Ask for ideas at your campus and bring ideas back to Cathe/Kevin.
An idea came up later in the meeting to have an inventory presentation; notes with more details will follow in the later section.
Functional Committee Nominations for next year
Nomination deadline May 28.
Course Info not showing up on Primo record because of Dedup #00649878 (Cathe)
Waiting on response from Dave Walker. Cathe will follow up.
Reserves workflow review and update (Cathe)
Cathe completed draft and has her course reserves coordinator reviewing.
She is then going to pass it onto reserves staff from other campuses to look at it, hopefully this week.
Resource Sharing Items appearing on restore to shelf list (Cathe)
Cathe has been working with Chris Lee to find out why these items end up on the restore to shelf list.
It seems that that the RS process puts the item in a temporary location, but then automatically puts in a “due back date”. In the tests, the location and date are cleared upon checkin so we need to figure out why some remain in the "restore" process type.
This is happening from both Illiad and CSU+. Kevin said he noticed some at his campus as well.
Cathe will continue to work with RS committee and Mallory to try and figure it out; if anyone has any and wants to investigate, please let Cathe know.
Timing may work out to pick this back up after course reserves documentation is finalized
CSU+ Damaged Items Standards
Natasha got the last piece we needed from Jeremy to finalize the document.
Everyone would need to update their clean slip template. So the RS committee will have to make the final recommendation.
Cathe is going to communicate this to the RS Committee.
Cathe thanked Natasha for her work on this and her work on the patron walk in documentation.
Cathe is going to send out this document out one more time for everyone in the FFC to go through it one more time to make sure everything is approved.
Alma-L advice on print slips (Matthew)
The responses from the list were what Matthew already suspected. He was looking for a macro or process to format it for him; but apparently it’s not available.
Jeremy said it might be able to go on the web portal like the CSU+ slips.
The answer, unfortunately, doesn’t currently exist.
We can take this off the agenda, for now.
Idea Exchange on Lost and Paid credit on found books
Jamie (possibly in collaboration with Kirstie) will write up the enhancement for the idea exchange this summer.
What’s going well? What’s making you crazy?
Currently doing loan rule updates and it’s a big project; she’s trying to fix the original loan rules.
Also, Community Colleges are coming in later this week and they are moving to Alma so she’s also coordinating that at her campus.
Cathe – planning to do a full inventory this summer.
Wanted to use the Purdue list that Kevin demo'd, but she has not gotten the go ahead at her campus, so they will probably use the “out of the box” Alma report instead which only identifies items that are "missing."
Kevin said that their programmer David is willing to meet with them to explain that use case for using that report.
Natasha will send the presentation from Georgetown so she can show the reasons for using this new report; it’s much better than the out of the box report from Alma.
Purdue collects the barcodes/Georgetown is real time.
*Inventory might be a good demo to do at the summer training; it’s always brings lots of interest. Maybe can demo the Georgetown report and the Purdue report and do a compare and contrast. That way people can see what one might work best for them.
Jamie -- wants to know if anyone is using Alma to track usage for a service. They have a Maker’s Space and want to be able to track what people are coming in to use. They have tried all sort of options and nothing is working quite right, so they want to use Alma as an option. Has anyone tried anything?
Kevin uses a Spring Share product to do that. Jamie said they just got Spring Share this past fall and haven’t uses it much. Kevin showed us a demo of LibAnswers. Kevin feels like Gimlet was a little better, but not as consistent. It’s difficult to get staff/student assistants to fill it out consistently.