2019-06-04 Meeting Notes




Note Taker: Matthew Prutsman

Discussion items


CSU Walkin Recommendations


  • Brandon sent out the Cal State Walk-in recommendations to the Access Services listserv.
  • Feedback is due by Tuesday, June 11th.
  • Next steps:
    • Brandon will share with COLD and ask for comments/concerns/questions
    • If there are no objections, the policy will be adopted and the Fulfillment Committee will work on implementation
    • Work with Brandon to get on Wiki
    • Make it official.
      • We should also add screen prints and specific instructions for setting up configuration
      • Notify campuses
    • Hopefully in place by summer
Circ Operator Functions Change
  • Christine hasn’t found anything that suggests the role functionality was changed, but she will keep looking around, she’ll update the group by next week’s meeting.
Summer ULMS Training
  • Need topics and presenters – Kevin will send out survey to Fulfillment listserv.
  • Once topics are determined we will figure out who presenters are.
  • Is Leganto a worthwhile discussion at the meeting? Will determine based on survey responses.
Functional Committee Nominations for next year
  • Nomination deadline May 28.
Course Info not showing up on Primo record because of Dedup #00649878 (Cathe)
  • Dave Walker hopes the issue will be resolved in the Renorm on June 24. Cathe will check after that date to see if it is fixed.
Reserves workflow review and update (Cathe)
  • Several course reserve folks are reviewing this, should have something by the end of this week. On 5/22, sent draft to San Diego, San Jose, Humboldt, Fullerton course reserves staff for review with 2 week deadline.
  • Cathe will review suggestions, update document, and upload to wiki this summer.
Resource Sharing Items appearing on restore to shelf list (Cathe)
  • Resource sharing items that have returned to their owning location shouldn’t appear on the restore list.
  • Has been noticed at Fullerton as well.
  • Send specific examples to Mallory.

Reserve Analytics Update


  • On hold
  • Timing may work out to pick this back up after course reserves documentation is finalized

CSU+ Damaged Items Standards

The standards have been passed on to the RSFC for comment. Cathe will follow-up.

Idea Exchange on Lost and Paid credit on found books

Jamie and Kirstie are working on the wording for the idea exchange entry, which the will pass by the FFC before submitting.

Final FFC Projects
  • The current committee make-up ends on June 30th.
  • In June the committee will work on finalizing current projects and planning the Summer meeting topics.
  • Cathe will write up a list of FFC accomplishments for the Steering Committee.

What’s going well? What’s making you crazy?

  • MeeScan (self services checkout) being implemented at San Jose.
  • Matthew and Kevin attended CLASS meeting at Claremont Colleges 5/31.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 11 at 11 am