2022-03-07 Meeting notes


Mar 7, 2022


  • @Carmen Mitchell

  • @Nicole Shibata

  • @Eric Milenkiewicz (Unlicensed)

  • @Dana Ospina

  • @Katie Lage (Unlicensed)

  • @David Walker

  • @Patrick Newell (Unlicensed)

  • @Elyse Fox (guest)

Not in attendance:


  • @Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed)

  • @Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed)



 Discussion topics









1:00 PM

IR Accessibility Survey

@Elyse Fox

Conducting survey on accessibility practices specifically re: ETD collections. Interested in learning about CSU’s as a whole.

Please circulate survey at respective institutions (responses collected until April 3): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8VV7rTAOvwekbCKSrUcGL2iRW-XL0o0LywD4cIcL_uRm7gA/viewform?usp=send_form


Work forms task force update

@David Walker

Working document for proposed changes to work forms: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E88pAY0Xspj4vdJzgpcJmNcmNUWYbuXTMgWhRw-5J_Q/edit#gid=0 There is still more work to be done on help text.

Educational resources and Datasets work forms have least amount of work on them.  Looking for feedback and hoping to make them simpler since there aren’t as many of these assets.

Plan to get existing records to conform to new schema. This work can be automated, but will take time.


Digital archives repository naming contest!


23 suggested names! Whoa!

  1. CSU Digital Archives

  2. CSU Digital Collections

  3. CSU Digital Library

  4. r23v (pronounced 'ARCHIVE' and spelled out 'arXXIIIv')

  5. legaCSy (pronounced 'legacy')

  6. arξv (or 'ArCS-ive', pronounced 'Arcs-ive', i.e., Archive of Cal State)

  7. parathek/paratheca/paratheque - Greek word for "deposit", cognate of the Greek word for library, bibliotheka

  8. mnesys (from Greek root for memory, here meaning a "memory system")

  9. PastWorks

  10. PermanentWorks

  11. DigitalWorks

  12. ArchivedWorks

  13. Golden Bear Digital Archives

  14. CSYou Digital Collections

  15. Eureka! CSU Digital Collections

  16. CSU Digital COnservancy

  17. CSU Heritage Online

  18. CSU Internet Archive

  19. CSU Digital Doorway

  20. CSU Digital Gateway

  21. CSU Digital Collections and Archives

  22. CSU Digital Commonwealth

  23. CSU Digital Heritage

Voting form will be sent to all DRC members.



Revisiting the deposit agreement/

withdrawal or takedown guidelines for ScholarWorks

@Carmen Mitchell

@David Walker

ScholarWorks Content and Deposit Policy (last reviewed ~ 1 year ago): https://docs.google.com/document/d/18q5LVK6Q2SO3LJV3kb92yTvavEN7ZuWe6vc6QWepJLg/edit#heading=h.mtlsnfjezqps

Urgent: Guidelines for takedown notices. Less urgent: deposit agreements. These should be publicly available so we have documentation to point people to if needed.

Recruiting new members/call for service

@Carmen Mitchell

Current chair-elect: Alyssa. Need a new chair-elect.

Call for new members should go out in April so we can invite new members to June meeting.

 Action items
