2020-05-05 Meeting notes


May 5, 2020


  • @Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

  • @David Walker

  • @Elizabeth Altman (Unlicensed)

  • @Elyse Fox (Unlicensed) - minutes

  • @Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

  • @Lana Wood (Unlicensed)

  • @Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)

  • @Steve Kutay (Unlicensed)

Not attending:

  • @Patrick Newell (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics









10 minutes

Item type discussion

@Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

10 minutes

IMLS grant?

@Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

From Cyril at Humboldt:
There may be an opportunity for ScholarWorks to obtain an IMLS community catalyst:  https://www.imls.gov/our-work/community-catalyst-initiative  

If they do a fall call, and possibly fund in summer of 2021, would you be interested? If so, 

  • What partnerships in ScholarWorks would make this appealing to IMLS?   

  • Would an infusion of funding help move things forward?  

  • What could the funding be used for to make the initiative more successful and scalable?

Thank you for considering the idea, and let me know if I can be of further assistance. 

  • Mark: thinking of potential project developing thesis deposit tool, similar to shareyourpaper.org;

  • Lana: Perhaps grant should match needs with IR, specifically looking at LSTA grants which might be better fit

  • Next meeting will propose list of grant options

15 minutes

Bulk editing question

@Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)

  • Mark: Issues with recent identifier changes, what to do re: batch edits

  • Developing processes to work similarly to DSpace (batch csv import/export)

  • Groundwork for batch imports (files)

10 minutes

Subject headings

@Elyse Fox (Unlicensed)

From the quarterly DAWG/MWG meeting.

  • Subject discussion coming from related to Alma changes

  • Keywords vs FAST subject (in Hyrax)

    • Issues related to instructions for users, use of field at all

    • Discipline based subject access

  • Link out to resource page for public statement, potentially libraries.calstate.edu?

    • COLD would need to vet/approve

  • Reach out to ULMS resource mgmt for suggestions

5 minutes

committee members?

@Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

Let’s start planning for next years recruitment. Who is rotating off and how many people do we need to recruit?

  • several members rotating off, will plan for public call with Dean’s approval

    • 1 Steering, 5 Working Group positions

    • Elyse: Lia rotating off, assume chair position w/Dean approval

  • may wish to revisit scope of repository

  • Annual meeting for ScholarWorks, should be postponed? – agreed

    • 2021 Digital Repository meeting

      • open call for presentations

      • potential CSU-wide conference, reps from ScholComm

10 minutes


@David Walker

Possible collaboration with the offices that work on sustainability in the CSU.

  • https://stars.aashe.org/

  • Lana: campus uses to connect to open access policy w/sustainability; newest criteria goes beyond IR to include Green OA policy, APC fund, others

Action items

Prioritize list of grant options related to ScholarWorks at our June meeting.