2020-10-28 Meeting notes
Oct 28, 2020
@Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)
@David Walker
@Lia Ryland (Unlicensed)
@Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed)
@Mark Stover (Unlicensed)
@Daina Dickman (Unlicensed)
Not attending: @Lana Wood (Unlicensed) @Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
5 minutes | Housekeeping: changing meeting length to 50 minutes | @Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) | Too many zoom meetings, not enough breaks! Carmen’s campus is talking about Zoom over-scheduling, her dean has suggested changing 30 min meetings to 25 and 60 min meetings to 50 min. The group is in favor of this, our meetings will now be 50 minutes.
5 minutes | Host campus for 2021 meeting | @Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) | No one to host yet. Should we talk about options? Carmen will issue another call for hosts. Needs: one account where meetings and breakouts can be set up in advance. San Marcos can potentially be “Zoom host” but Carmen does not have capacity to organize meeting and handle Zoom specifics. Would prefer us to have another campus host. Alyssa will check with Pomona about Zoom capabilities as well.
15 minutes | Rank upcoming development projects | @David Walker and @Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) |
DW: Had 14 responses to poll on development features. Top and bottom choices have fair amount of consensus. Less clarity with middle items. Split between this group and PMs on priorities. For PMs integrations fall towards the bottom. DW has been attending Samvera conference and learned of “BulkRax” module that will allow some of the bulk functions. Might be able to hit a lot of these items quickly with help of Samvera community. It is in Samvera Labs, already implemented in Haiku. https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/samvera/Samvera+Implementations%3A+In-production Test it out, see if it works, and we could winnow down this list.
| https://www.exlibrisgroup.com/products/alma-library-services-platform/digital-resources/ Generally speaking, the following price model would apply: 0-10,000 digital objects would equate to approximately $37,500/year incremental cost 10,000-50,000 digital objects would equate to approximately $40-45k/year incremental cost 50,000-100,000 digital objects would equate to approximately $45-50k/year incremental cost As for storage, it’s $1,000/year for each additional TB over the 1TB that’s included with an Alma D subscription. As an example, 10 TBs would cost $9k/year above the standard annual subscriptions listed above (1st TB included, plus the remaining 9TBs at $1k per TB). CM: What would be other uses for this money potentially, Notch 8 Development projects, half time developer. DD: SJSU and Sac State have this through Esploro so would not be included in numbers. Concerns on her campus about functionality with using Alma Digital for archives collections. MS: Potential replacement for ContentDM CM: Concerns about items being buried in Primo. AL: Concerns about the costs and functionality. Costs doesn’t cover staff costs for implementing. The cost is largely for storage. Can DAWG look at Alma Digital for use with digital archives? Should we ask for access to Alma Digital sandbox. Explore all options available to us. LR: has concerns about de-duping based on Primo experiences. DS: question is coming up because of new library deans. |
10 Minutes | Data sets: ScholarWorks v. Dryad | @Lana Wood (Unlicensed) | Moved to next meeting. |
10 minutes | types vs. genre | @Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1viSxXbFKdWmEtpKKAMugtgi4z21cAZ7A0g-IgfLe9sM/edit Types based on DCMI types. Soliciting ideas and genre terms that would be useful to campuses.
5 minutes | November and December meetings? | @Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) | November 25th is the day before Thanksgiving. Should we cancel or reschedule? Instead of having these two meetings, use this time to work on documents. Use these dates as targets to send around drafts. Reconvene via Zoom meeting in January. |
Action items
@Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) Send another call for campus hosts
@Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed) Check with Pomona about being a Zoom host
@Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed) Speak with DAWG about Alma Digital Library
@Daina Dickman (Unlicensed) Ask Elyse Fox for feedback about Alma Digital experiences at Sac State
All: Email Lia with genre suggestions and other ideas.
All: Work on documentation in lieu of November and December Zoom meetings.