2021-02-24 Meeting notes


Feb 24, 2021


  • @Carmen Mitchell

  • @David Walker

  • @Daina Dickman (Unlicensed)

  • @Lana Wood (Unlicensed)

  • @Lia Ryland (Unlicensed)

  • @Mark Bilby (Unlicensed) (note taker)

  • @Mark Stover (Unlicensed)

  • @Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed) (guest)

Not in attendance

@Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics









5 minutes

DigRepo Annual meeting planning update

@Carmen Mitchell

CFP and Form should be ready to go! Sending it out on Monday the 22nd.

5 minutes

DAWG Update

Provided as written by Alyssa

  • DAMS self-evaluation: 

  • After some feedback from those who have already worked on the evaluation, we decided to add more instructions and examples

  • Beth and Azalea are going to work on an asynchronous tutorial (video/walk-through) to be disseminated to listservs and/or Open Forum before fully sending out to each campus

  • Alma Digital Analysis

    • CSU Sacramento is doing testing with Alma Digital and seeing how it holds up to other tools

    • Northridge is going to do some testing as well, and once they both are in a good place, they will work together to look at Alma Digital and NZ collections

  • CSU-wide digital preservation guidelines: 

    • Eric Milenkiewicz from CSUSB has been outlining digital preservation guidelines and resources that can be applied across the CSU, right now he is working on adding more learning opportunities and context

  • DAWG + MWG

    • Alyssa is planning to reach out to Lia in the next week or so to revisit the DAWG + MWG sub-group

    • This group would start looking at setting up a metadata application profile (and the related details) as it would be applied to a shared DAMS

10 minutes

Researcher Database

@Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)

Penn State uses a Samvera IR; they have released a new open source RIMS (Researcher Information Management System) that is an Open Source metadata database for researchers and integrates with Samvera and ORCID. They are presenting tomorrow at a forum for the first time. Mark B. will ask if this will be recorded and if that recording can be shared.

10 minutes

Repository withdrawals policy/guidelines

@Lana Wood (Unlicensed)

Draft of CSU East Bay policy. CSUEB has created a survey for users for take-downs of previously deposited content. They have created a Withdrawal Policy, which represents their chain of command. Other campuses are welcome to repurpose this policy and workflow.

10 minutes

User deletions

@Lana Wood (Unlicensed) and @Carmen Mitchell

Can end users delete uploads to the system? Need to balance concerns about preserving scholarly record vs. occasional ability to delete items on request.

On technical side, deletions in Fedora do actually disappear/overwrite content, though Amazon Glacier backup may allow for retrieval of past content.

Lana and Carmen both recommend preservation (not allowing user deletions) as default. Committee reached consensus approval of this and forwarding it to COLD for approval.

10 minutes

Workform categories

@Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) and @Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed)

From the Metadata Working Group:

Could have descriptions and examples of what might go into each category. Problem of workform bloat; don’t want a workform for each type. Genre already provides way of granular faceting. Important to keep forms as simple as possible. Proposing matching landing page categories and workforms as follows:

Theses/Dissertations and Student Projects (2 workforms)

  • Publications

  • Presentations

  • Research Datasets

  • Open Educational Resources

(move to next month if out of time

Branding: local vs systemwide

@Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)

ABIERTA local brand for example. Developed local branding for Fullerton. Not sure if they are supposed to use local branding or not.
Chico State has locally customized names and CSUN has local SOAR brand.

Can local branding co-exist with CSU-wide branding? Dave says that this can happen. Authentication can lead users on each campus to a different landing/splash page. May add instructions in the training section about how to add custom branding.

Action items
