2022-02-07 Meeting notes


Feb 7, 2022


  • @Carmen Mitchell

  • @Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed)

  • @Dana Ospina

  • @David Walker

  • @Katie Lage (Notes)

  • @Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed)

  • @Nicole Shibata

Not attending

  • @Eric Milenkiewicz (Unlicensed)

  • @Patrick Newell (Unlicensed)



Discussion topics










Quartex as DAMS?

@Carmen Mitchell


Digital Archives Report

@Carmen Mitchell @David Walker

  • Discussed report at length.

  • Please complete changes by EOB Friday 2/18/22 (preferably earlier!)

  • Dave and Carmen will report to COLD 2/25/22

  • Discussed making sure campus library administrators understand the full scope of work, staffing needs, project timeline needs and also how much has been done already.

  • Carmen thanks everyone for their input!


DAWG update

@Eric Milenkiewicz (Unlicensed) (or DAWG rep)


Work Forms Tasks Force

@David Walker

  • Consensus is that the task force does not need to wait for Steering Committee to review first; go directly to project managers.


MWG Update

@Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed)

@Nicole Shibata

  • An update on the Field of the Month coworking sessions: the first one was very popular!

  • An update on the Degree Name field

    • Changes possible at the local level, including creating a controlled vocabulary drop-down. Creating a separate, free text Degree Program field; still investigating issues.

  • And a recommendation for a free-text, internal (i.e., non-displaying) Note field


@Carmen Mitchell

From Mark Bilby: In case you hadn’t heard about the release of this open global academic publication database and API from the intrepid folks at OurResearch. https://docs.openalex.org/


It builds on Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG), which is now deprecated, but it is far easier to query and scrape than MAG, Scopus, or Web of Science, and built with an entirely open source and open data architecture. PIDs for five entities (Works, Authors, Venues, Institutions, Concepts) are sufficient to make an API call. Here’s a link, for example, to all of its publications by CSU Fullerton affiliated authors: https://api.openalex.org/works?filter=institutions.id:I142934699


Might be something for the DRC and ScholComm committees to consider. With or apart from the ORCID member API, it could be the basis for a tool or workflow to automate the bulk finding of publication upload candidates and perhaps also the bulk harvesting and ingest of open access (CC licensed) content metadata and knowledge products into ScholarWorks, as well as the population and updating of faculty profiles, expert guides, annual reports, etc.

  • Did not discuss further in the meeting




Annual meeting planning committee is working on the CFP; STIM is also planning a LibIT meeting (possibly in-person) for this summer. We will cross-promote the events and will possibly plan a joint meeting in 2023.






Action items
