2022-11-14 Meeting notes (DAWG)


Nov 8, 2022


  • @Steve Kutay (Unlicensed).

  • Adam Wallace

  • Amalia Castaneda

  • Ariel Hahn

  • Jamie Zeffery

  • Jill Strykowski

  • Nicole Shibata

  • David Walker


  1. Update committee on developments and priorities.

  2. Establish campus liaisons.

  3. Discuss beta testing workflows and forms.

 Discussion topics









10 min

COLD presentation recap


  • Digital archives pilot presented to COLD meeting on September 29th.

    • Steve addressed methods and results:

      • Brief history of DAWG and MWG work

      • Pilot structure and participation: Six campuses, 6,000+ records

      • Benefits: Develop once to benefit all, pooled funds/lowered costs, modular system, NDSA level 2 preservation, support

      • Development needs: Reports/analytics, roles, refine metadata, advanced search, child records, implement exhibits, improve viewers

    • David addressed challenges, constraints, and decisions:

      • Increased CO costs (larger files); more diverse content (campus metadata participation); longer migration

      • Campus customizations; limited CO budget

      • Migrate pulled DSpace content; Campus participation (esp. committed DAMS); More accurate cost projections

    • Interest in the overall project was good, and paved way for immediate priorities.

10 min

Priority 1: Migration of removed IR materials


  • 13 campuses (5 are system dependent)

  • Demonstrates functionality and commitment

  • Requires metadata review/remediation

  • Provide transparency of process

10 min

Priority 2: Establish campus liaisons


  • Provide brief reports on DAMS progress

  • Collect data on interest/participation, storage needs, current costs spent toward digital archives labor and DAMS vendors (TB)

  • Assign campus liaisons from group

10 min

Priority 3: Pilot report and formal DAMS demo


  • A report will be submitted by Steve to inform campuses and COLD of DAMS pilot findings.

  • More advanced viewers/players and ingest technologies will be installed.

  • Next year CSU Digital Archives demonstrations will be used to inform campuses and COLD, and to plan for participation with initial migrations.

10 min

Priority 4: Beta Testing


  • Workflows to be created to manage the continued testing of CSU Digital Archives, with our goal to try to break the system and report.

  • Consider how are current feedback form could be utilized to report issues with testing.


 Action items
