2022-01-25 Meeting notes


Jan 25, 2022


  • @Eric Milenkiewicz (Unlicensed)

  • Elizabeth Blackwood

  • Stephen Kutay

  • Azalea Camacho

  • Ariel Hahn

  • Jamie Zeffery

  • Carmen Mitchell (absent)

  • David Walker

  • Nicole Shibata

Discussion topics







General Updates

Eric, Beth, Steve

DAMS Update


  • Brief overview of the upcoming DAMS work/timeline

    • Dave is working on a report for COLD and will provide them with an update at their February meeting

    • Work is expected to move forward on the DAMS, either additional fact finding if requested by COLD or on design/implementation of Hyrax

Potential Upcoming Projects


  • Priority #1: Demo/Proof of Concept of Hyrax for COLD

    • Show an example of systemwide shared DAMS using sample collections from a few campuses (LA, Northridge, SB, Channel Islands, others)

    • If other campuses participate have a space for them to drop their digital objects and metadata; DAWG members will then work to get this content into the Hyrax instance

    • Use Hyrax functionality of “nested collections” to show an example of how content at multiple campuses can be integrated and displayed together (by topic, format, etc); similar to a digital exhibit of sorts

    • Use a Hyrax test instance set-up at the CO (ready sometime in March possibly)

    • For COLD, point to the benefits of Hyrax:

      • Design is under CSU control, not the vendor

      • Annual costs not at the discretion of a vendor

      • System can evolve over time as needed to limit platform changes/additional migrations

      • Can support harvesting for campuses using their own DAMS

      • How a systemwide DAMS can support instruction and lead to student success

  • Collaborative work with MWG on DAMS metadata schema/approach

    • Work not slated to begin yet

  • DSpace collection analysis (e.g., extent, format types, metadata) for DAMS seed collections

    • Will address when/if needed

  • DAMS documentation/testing

    • Will address closer to system design/implementation

Action items

Beth will complete TOC for the DAWG Self-Evaluation final report and distribute to group for review/comment.
Beth to share Channel Island’s DSpace audit with DAWG members for review
Steve and Dave will touch base on the Hyrax functional requirements testing and finish up the spreadsheet.
Eric will reach out to campuses that completed the Self Evals and followup with a few brief questions on size/scope of digital collections (based on response maybe solicit a few to participate in proof-of-concept).
Azalea/Jamie, Beth, Nicole/Steve ( ? ), Eric to look into potential sample digital collections for proof-of-concept
Eric to setup February Agenda: Self Eval Final Report sign-off, Hyrax testing summary, Update on digital collections/metadata from our campuses, workflow/process for how DAWG can assist with Hyrax proof-of-concept creation.