Inviting institutions to make their already digitized, openly available, text and/or image collections discoverable on the JSTOR platform for no fees. These collections can be published to JSTOR via JSTOR Forum or we can work with institutions to harvest the content and metadata from their existing repositories (e.g. CONTENTdm, DSpace, Digital Commons, Recollect, etc.). During that time, we will be working with institutions to build a set of services (preservation, metadata enhancement/enrichment, text and data mining, impact measurement, etc.) that libraries are prepared to help define, build, and eventually pay for beginning in January 2022.
CSUN and SLO are participants.
CSUN will update group with developments here and usage/analytics figures
Action items
Eric to make final edits to charge and submit to DRC for review/approval
Beth to complete Summary of Findings for DAMS self evaluations and distribute to group