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5 | MWG+DAWG sub-group | Alyssa | |
| DAMS Self Evaluation
| Beth. Azalea, Eric
| Open Forum: April 2nd Discussions about training on how to complete the toolkit, Beth an annotated version Beth is tracking submissions and keeping them in a folder, as more come in we will start to talk about the data we have received Erik wondered about normalizing the data sheets, and how that might look Erik has results from STIM digitization lab survey, perhaps we can compare or have it as a companion piece (digital production)
10 | Guidelines & Resources for Digital Preservation at the CSU Libraries | Eric | How to disseminate? Add into Confluence, Stewarded by DAWG to keep updated by future members, etc. Present in update at Digital Repositories Meeting – Alyssa will ask Carmen about this Link to the call, deadlines is March 31st: CFP: CSU Digital Repositories 2022 Meeting
Eric added a Creative Commons license to ensure sharing Added tools, sample workflows, online guides/tutorials Erik asked, where do we go next? System-wide group or policy? Eric commented that we are still figuring that out and not too sure what channel to move this through to be useful, once we get to a point where we are working across the system on this the guidelines need to be further fleshed out; Steve mentioned that the working group model has been successful in the past; Digital preservation was in early draft of development plan
10 | Alma Digital | Steve | Erik and Steve have joined forces to learn more about AD. Erik is building out a view that should be able to be tested They have a comprehensive evaluation/assessment framework
10 | Other | All | |