2022-03-14 Meeting notes


Mar 14, 2022


  • @Eric Milenkiewicz (Unlicensed)

  • Elizabeth Blackwood

  • Stephen Kutay

  • Azalea Camacho (Absent)

  • Ariel Hahn

  • Jamie Zeffery

  • Carmen Mitchell (Absent)

  • David Walker

  • Nicole Shibata

Discussion topics







Updated DAMS Self Evaluations


Digital Archives Pilot - First Steps


  • 6 campuses identified in COLD report to provide sample collections for pilot

  • Testing of at least CDM and DSpace; possible metadata harvesting from another system

  • Test the different flavors of metadata across collections/campuses; get CSV files

  • Pilot projected to start in April after first meeting of this group that will include project managers for each campus

  • Define time commitment/responsibilities and the size and type of materials/collections for test collections

Metadata Task Force


  • MWG and DAWG members will form core of this group

  • Reach out to the Archives Roundtable to invite them to the April Open Forum and to present at their April Meeting

  • Open invitation to Archives Roundtable members to join if they are interested

  • Get a page set-up on the wiki to promote transparency

Hyrax Assessment Review


  • Steve went over the Executive Summary and key points

  • Will post to wiki for DAWG review through the end of the month

  • Will send out to listserv and publicize in early April

Action items

Steve will add the Hyrax Assessment Review to the wiki and DAWG members will provide comments/feedback via email by 3/31
Dave/Nicole will reach out to Archives Roundtable about April open forum and meeting