2019-09-11 ERM Meeting notes


Sep 11, 2019


  • @Dolly Lopez (Unlicensed)

  • @Kate Holvoet (Unlicensed)

  • @Ya Wang (Unlicensed)

  • @Michael Bello (Unlicensed)

  • @Ilda Cardenas (Unlicensed)

  • @Austin Lenzen (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics






Welcome Austin!

Previous action items

Finish updating ERM policy Pages

Finish updating ERM contacts

Goals & Ideas

Prioritize Goals/Ideas.

Discuss project deliverable, timelines, resources, etc.

Databases Accessibility

Anyone tackling this at local level/CSU level? ULMS ERM, EAR?

Possible project like Big 10?

Round Robin

Monthly reports: Fill out monthly update report for Brandon. (Due by end of day today)

Ex Libris webinar: Please submit questions for the 9/27 webinar here.

CDI Migration: how will it affect our practices?

Indexing Levels: conference posters resolves at journal level or not at all. How to communicate at a broad level? Time-consuming process.. NISO?

Action items

Dolly will outline the inventory, organization, and maintenance of ERM info.
Dolly will send an outline for the accessibility project
Group will submit questions for Ex Libris Webinar
Ya will research CDI change and report out
Kate/group will think about indexing issue.


  1. Meet every second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am.
  2. Create a form to maintain ERM contacts for annual summer update.
  3. Group decided inventory, organization, and maintenance schedule of ERM info will be first priority.
  4. Best practices, troubleshooting, workflow analysis will follow