2020-12-18 ERM Meeting notes


Dec 18, 2020


  • @Kate Holvoet (Unlicensed)

  • @Michael Bello

  • @Austin Lenzin

  • @Ilda Cardenas

  • @Lauren.Mueller

Discussion topics









Connecting an OCLC global collection to the NZ for opt-in use
- Talked to Isreal, this is possible but he wants to have guidelines created on what kinds of collections can be piped into the NZ. ULMS Steering Committee has created a task force to look into making these guidelines and KH is on the task force.

Joint task for with the Assessment and Analytics Committee for NZ/IZ overlap analysis. -Ilda, Kate, Lauren, Jessica volunteered, ball is now in Laura Krier’s court

Confluence documentation for ordering from the NZ
-Shaunt Hamstra worked through the process and documented it here:


CDI Wiki page


Reminder to submit CDI NZ preferences to Jessica

How many have submitted so far?

local CDI tips and tricks spreadsheet?

Jessica - It would be nice to get a sense of what others are doing to help others make local decisions.
It could have a row that was Y/N on “using CDI ebooks or streaming media.”
Indicate whether or not the library is inheriting databases from the NZ.
Also, a row of any documentation they have created locally.

Action items

@Kate Holvoet (Unlicensed) Ask analytics group about ACRL stat guidance for mixed COUNTER 4 and 5 reports - which numbers to use?
