2019-03-01 Meeting notes


Mar 1, 2019


  • @Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

  • Dana Ospina

  • George Thompson

  • David Drexler

  • Emily Chan

  • Annie Hor

  • Pam Kruger

  • Mark Bilby

  • Andrew Weiss

  • Amy Dyess

  • Tanya Hollis

Discussion topics









5 min

COLD SWAT report, scope of content, discussion and overview

Kevin Cloud

Recommendations approved by COLD

1. Implement a single-instance institutional repository.

3. Approve a policy regarding scope of content for the IR.


Recommendations under consideration

2. Create a more formal governance structure for ScholarWorks.

4. Fund an additional position at the Chancellor’s Office.

5. Explore new revenue streams / funding opportunities.


Q – What will happen to out of scope items?

A – Will remain in DSpace until appropriate system/scope determined

5 min

Metadata/Linked Data and Digital Archives

Kevin Cloud

  • Ran two sessions of Metadata Collective aimed at data modeling

  • completed models for Thesis, Data Sets, Publications and Archives

  • Kevin will update these (shortly!) to reflect changes from the COLD decision

  • April 5th (next ScholarWorks meeting) deadline for campus departments/schools/colleges controlled vocabulary; see examples of San Marcos’s Controlled Vocabularies/Northridge Controlled Vocabularies above

5 min

Publishing IG

Kevin Cloud

  • Dana and Kevin working on OJS documentation, plan to have a OJS how-to site similar to Copyright website

  • OJS is at https://journals.calstate.edu/, campuses should contact myself or Dave Walker for setting up a journal

  • Some campuses have added journal data to NZ

1 min


Kevin Cloud

  • Strategy moving forward will be to onboard the IR for campuses, then migrate existing DSpace (and other) data

1 min

Digital Collections and Archives/other systems

Kevin Cloud

Tanya Hollis

  • Along with SWAT recommendations, will begin the process to explore alternative systems as appropriate

  • Digital Collections and Archives meeting, March 8th 2-3; topics include report on DAMS requirements, possible discovery systems for DCA materials

1 min

Best Practices IG

Andrew Weiss

Mark Bilby

  • Waiting for recommendation regarding governance structure

5 min

Open Access Policy

Mark Bilby

  • Fullerton has pushed for OA policy statement; East Bay has passed; ongoing concerns regarding legal issues

  • Aiming for Senate Resolution/Intellectual policy resolution for the system