2020-01-30 Meeting notes


Jan 30, 2020


  • Present = @Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) @Joe Gerdeman (Unlicensed) @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) @Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed) @Darnesa Morris (Unlicensed) @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

  • Absent =

  • Scribe = @Karla Salinas (Unlicensed)


  • Alma to ILLiad API: Natalya has some new info + a development from STIM.

  • Rapido Update: Mallory, Joe G, Karla, Meghann, etc. will give us the dirt.

  • CSU+ Loan Period Project - Natalya will show IZ demo of return distribution report. Afterward, a discussion about recommending extending the hold shelf period at the same time we recommend Loan Period changes.

  • Expired CSU+ Requests: Natalya has a report and some questions.

  • Conditionals and Reactivate Request Testing: Test team (the Joes, Meghann and Darnesa) will report findings.

  • Short Updates on old business:

-Mallory has some news on the Blank Titles and Reserves Requesting issue.

-Random Regional Rotas - These are set up for our pilot testers. Should we turn them on right now?

  • Any other updates on old or new business:

Discussion topics










  • Alma to ILLiad API:


  • Several Duplicate Request

  • Patrons expressed concerned that CSU+ request may not be going through because they were not showing up in Primo Account

  • @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) hopes an email would automatically trigger when the CSU+ request failed and turned in ILL

  • Created Routing Route and have noticed a decrease in Noticed decrease in Dupes

  • RS request in Alma goes to “Exported to 3rd Party” status, unsure what the means or if a email notice triggered. Possible Enhancement Request for ExL?

  • Can something be configured with IDS? e.g. when CSU+ request drops into ILLiad queue trigger an automatic email

  • @Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed) Is halfway through API config thing.



@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

  • STIM survey to investigate ILLiad integration in Alma

  • Systems group was dismantled and STIM took over those unfilled actions and are follwing up on the ILLiad integrations

  • @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) Will Hold- on writing up API integrations until further collaboration with

  • RSFC can possibly write up some guidelines for ILLiad into Primo

  • ILLiad/Alma Integration


Rapido Update

@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) @Karla Salinas (Unlicensed) @Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) @Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed)

  • Met with ExL to configure PODs

  • We are Early in the Steps Perhaps Set up


CSU Loan Periods

@Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) @Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

  • Joe & Natalia got together toe hash out some reports that can be

  • Distribution of CSU+ return at X amount of weeks.

  • San Marcos Return

  • For Local Loans there is a Similar Peak of higher returns around due date

  • Graphs seems to demonstrate that patron return times when they are supposed to.

  • 8 week loan period Ongoing discussion of Renewal vs. 16 week loan period

  • We can use this to build a package of our renewal


Short Update

@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

Campuses that were having this issues were not using the central package


Random Regional Rotas

@Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

@Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) @Joe Gerdeman (Unlicensed) @Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed) @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) Will move with forward with regional rotas testing


Expired CSU+

@Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

  • Report to looked at percent of total expired requests

  • Possible Topics


COnditional Testing

@Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

Cancelled conditions send an email,

it removes eh request from your catalog and moves on to the next library

  • When the condition is accepted it moves over to in processing

  • Needs more Testing

  • @Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) Aspires to make this an I-SPIE TV segment


Random Regional Rotas

@Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed)

@Joseph Adkins (Unlicensed) @Joe Gerdeman (Unlicensed) @Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed) @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) Will move with forward with regional rotas testing

Action items

Explore email notices for “Exported to 3rd Party” status or possible ExL Enhancement Request
