2018-10-08 Meeting notes


Oct 8, 2018


Discussion items






  • ULMS Coordinating Committee Meeting- met on 9/21/18. Updates from working groups and cross-functional task forces, Shared Print Initiative (SPIRIT) & Shared Collection Development initiative. These two initiatives may have impact on resource management.

  • NACO training- About 16 campuses represented among NACO trainees. The CSU is now well-equipped to contribute to the NAF. The Committee recommends that the Authorities Task Force be reconvened to revisit authority work in a consortial environment and explore the use of some of the functionality in Alma in support of authority work. More updates on this forthcoming.

How-to articles

  • Two have been created so far. Review and provide feedback regarding best practices.

  • After drafting a how-to article, ask someone to follow the procedure and provide feedback.

  • Potential topics and creators:

    • How to add a local field (Luiz)

    • How to transfer an item record to a different bibliographic record (Eva)

    • How to copy catalog a book, title-by-title (Julie)

    • How to create a holdings record (Luiz)

    • How to create a portfolio (Yvonne)

    • How to set up prediction patterns (serials)

    • More ideas may come as the Committee works on the training document.

  • How to track progress? For creators of the suggested topics above, have draft ready for review by October 29.

Training Document

  • By November 12, review training document and add comments/links/edits.

  • Israel will edit/compose the introductory narrative.

  • The Committee decided to refer to this document as a training guide, rather than a training manual, as the document will outline areas of resource management competencies and will link out to our how-to articles and other training documentation.

Accession/Shelving Control Numbers in MARC21 Holdings records

Cataloging Statistics

  • How are campuses collecting cataloging statistics? (For Collection Statistics, see tutorials and training resources by Assessment & Analytics).

  • Practices include using the 974 for cataloger’s initials.

  • Chris Ashley will share some pertinent documents.

  • Luiz will consult with Nikki on how we can gather statistics on new titles/items.

Next meeting

The Committee will meet next on November 13, 1-2pm.

Action items

@Luiz Mendes (Unlicensed) will create how-to articles on how to add a local field and how to create a holdings record, by 10/29.
@Eva Sorrell (Unlicensed) will create a how-to article on how to transfer an item record to a different bibliographic record by 10/29.
@yvonne zhang (Unlicensed) will create a how-to article on how to create a portfolio by 10/29.
@Julie Moore (Unlicensed) will create a how-to article on how to copy catalog a book (title by title) by 10/29.
@Israel Yanez (Unlicensed) will edit/compose the introductory narrative to the training guide by 11/12.
