2018-03-19 Meeting notes



Discussion items

  • Policies & Best Practices revised: Withdrawals policy to be distributed and posted.
  • Slack Weekly Digest being distributed to the ULMS TS List. Consider alternative option: Consortial subscription to Slack which would archive all postings may be a more efficient approach than the time it takes to compile weekly digest. See Slack pricing for teams: https://calstatelibraries.slack.com/plans/slack-for-teams.
  • Upcoming Ex Libris/CSU Training:
    • Date: August 13-14 (August 13 focused on Analytics by Megan Drake, Ex Libris).
    • Location: Chancellor's Office  More information forthcoming.
Brief Order Records in NZ
  • Committee discussed implications of policy Brief Bib Records and Minimum Acquisitions Data for the identification of records and duplication of brief orders in NZ. Libraries should follow this policy and assess impact to the workflows.
Responding to Requests for Loading and Management of Records for e-Resources (e.g., datasets)
  • e-Collections not represented in the CZ or OCLC collections. Example: ICPSR dataset at: https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/index.html 
  • Priorities and best approaches for loading records and managing collection centrally: (1) Marcive model or (2) harvesting records into Primo via OAI-PMH: https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/membership/or/metadata/oai.html
  • Some considerations:
    • Responsibility: Who is responsible for setting up OAI-PMH?(Systems?)
    • Harvesting approach is a better solution than cataloging or importing records into Alma.
    • OCLC top-level record (OCLC 47219716) to be cataloged as a means to provide access to the database.
NZ Cleanup & Record Restore: New Problem
  •  IZ boundwith record restored but not the NZ record (document by Marcus Jun). Restore records failed to restore NZ records which  impacts discovery in Primo since the record does not display. See problem analysis and examples of records (Northridge) in the document.
  • Problem reported to Ex Libris to see if there is a systematic way of identifying these problem records.