2017-12-18 Meeting notes



Discussion items

  • NZ Management Group
  • Meeting with OCLC (Chancellor's Office)
  • NoCal Technical Services Meeting (January 26, 2018 in SJSU)
Display of 780/785 (CZ Records)

780/785 Fields in CZ records which include only CZ record number and no data value content (i.e., absence of title in $t). Example: Journal of American Culture (Online).

  • Update: San Marcos had opened a case back in 2015. Ex Libris indicated this was part of their road map. Suggested approach: Report problem to Ex Libris on behalf of the consortium one more time.

Normalization Task Force

  • Renorm job (last renorm of the year): Renorm 2017-D
  • Will start looking at workflow for members of the Task Force to develop and provide training for members of the Task Force for creating and/or revising norm rules.
Ā Planning (Training & Documentation)

TS Open Forums: Training Topics and Trainers

  • Tools (Book be Gone; Storage)
  • Cataloging in Alma
  • Data Cleanup Projects: Tips & Tricks
  • Database record maintenance (troubleshooting selection of records; moving holdings, etc.)
  • Serials Prediction Pattern (Serials Management in Alma)
  • MARC Holdings Revisited
  • Marcive Documents without Shelves (Workflows, Management)
  • WorldCat Cataloging Partners (Efficiencies, Duplication of Records, etc.)
  • Assessment of TS Workflows (Efficiencies in Process and Procedures)
  • Workflows for audio-visual resources (ordering)
  • Records for E-books
  • Use of indication and norm rules

Consult Acq/ERM Functional Committee for additional topics and trainers for issues related to acquisitions and electronic resources management.

To sign up for 2018, see Tech Services Presentations.