2018-03-05 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Revisions to Withdrawals (Operational Policy)

  • Revised document to clarify policy vs procedure. Document to be updated to reflect current and correct procedures.
Policies & Best Practices Planned Workflow

For new Policy Discussion & Decisions

  • Send requests for new policy to the Committee
  • Committee drafts policy/best practices in consultation with stakeholders;
  • Discuss with any policy/best practices with stakeholders;
  • Send it to the ULMS Coordinating Committee;
  • Finalize and distribute policy.

For revision of existing policies/procedures

  • Review and discuss requests via e-mail;
  • Present & discuss with stakeholders revisions, if any, via ULMS TS list; TS Open Forum; Slack.
Synchronize with OCLC Setting

Synchronize with OCLC setting at the NZ Level impacts Publishing to OCLC at the local level

  • See Management Tags document
  • Set it up at the NZ level to ensure that local instances inherent setting from the NZ to Export to Worldcat.
  • Decision: Set it up at the NZ level. To be announced at TS Open Forum
Daily OCLC Loads: New vs Update
  • Explore changing delivery of Updates to weekly instead daily.