Kevin will talk to all course reserve coordinators over this semester.
He will generate a list of questions prior to starting the discussions.
Looking for questions to further discussions.
Here are some potential questions:
How do you break out reserve tasks? Staff vs. student tasks.
Due to staffing shortages, would like to get the students more involved.
How are others utilizing the bookstore on campus?
Most (she believes) are using this as a resource, but how is this being done? Who is doing what and how much money is being spent?
How are courses/books being identified?
How do you market/inform the faculty?
Is your campus using electronic reserves?
What locations are you using for your reserves? Are you using specific item types? Basically where is your reserve information being held?
In an ideal world how would you change/update our reserve process? What (if anything is holding you back)?
What class/course gets the most use?
How do you build your reserve collections? And how do you market it?
What is your end of semester process?
The ultimate goal is to compile a list of what everyone is doing and to make recommendations based on that data (things to do and things not to do).
We want our end product to include an environmental scan; basically, what are we doing now and why is it important?
There are so many external factors including budget, marketing, ALS program, staffing levels, etc.
Doing these interviews will help measure these external factors.
We would also need a uniformed list of questions so we are comparing apples to apples.
Here’s what we are seeing and here’s how you can implement it.
Eventual goal is to get it to the Steering Committee and then to COLD. We want to make sure all of the steps are practical and able to be implemented.
What Analytics are being used right now? What is being measured?
Kevin suggested getting some basic Analytics prior to meetings.
For example, total checkouts as opposed to reserve checkouts. How many courses and reading lists do each campus have?
Christine suggested getting numbers of items on reserve, how many courses have items on reserve, how many personal copies are being used vs. library owned copies.
The FFC decided to do the interviews first and then get information from Analytics.
Kelly Ann will help Kevin with these interview after all of the questions are finalized.
Kevin will send out the list of questions to add and/or clarify prior to starting the interviews.
Other Projects? What else should the FFC work on?
Letters Template Task Force
How to tailor letters to specific needs; put together workflows to be helpful to the entire committee.
Jamie, Kevin and Kim will work on this.
Christine will ask one of her employees to help on this taskforce and give his contact information to Kevin to reach out.
What are campuses doing?
We can come up with policies to look at it.
Christine, Mallory and Kevin will work on this; Kevin will also reach out to Matthew to see if he’s interested in this.