2020-02-13 Meeting notes


Feb 13, 2020


  • @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)

  • @Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed)

  • Christine Evans

  • Jamie Lamberti


  • Kelly Ann Sam

  • Jaime Serrano

  • Kim Wobick

Discussion topics





Walk-in Patron Recommendations

Kevin & Jamie met with Joe Adkins from the RSFC. At the meeting we agreed to use the split the documentation for three purposes:

  • Create a policy that would require each campus to provide access to their own materials to CSU Walk-in patrons.

  • Create a recommendation to allow Walk-in patrons to request materials from other campuses via CSU+. The recommendation would lay out two options for doing so – make the patron record internal, or have the request submitted manually by staff.

  • Create how-to guides for setting up Alma to create Walk-in patron records, set what information is transferred on account creation, set-up network blocks, creating patron records at the host campus, and how to access the account to check out. In addition, guides will be created for both CSU+ request recommendations. Mallory noted that language should also be included to let campuses know that decisions must be made and Alma set-up prior to offering services.

ExLibris Satisfaction Survey

Brandon shared the results of the ExLibris Satisfaction survey. The survey result show that Course Reserve Analytics is an area that could use improvement. Send any feedback to Kevin with specific reports that are difficult or impossible to perform.

The Analytics working group is willing to help develop course reserve reports. Brian Moore posted a request in the Course Reserves Slack channel. Send Brian any reports you may be having issues compiling.

Rapido Update

The Rapido partner libraries have weekly meetings with ExLibris to test functionality and give feedback. The intention is for early adopters to go live with Rapido in Fall 2020.

Course Reserve Update

Kevin is still working on contacting the Course Reserve contact at Sonoma.

The next steps:

  • Use the ExLibris Satisfaction Summary format as a way to distribute summarized content.

  • Provide access to the raw data for those interested.

  • Kevin will work on a summary.

  • Go over summary at a future meeting.

  • Kevin will reach out to SLO to see if they are willing to present their textbook buy-back program at the next open forum.

Action items