Big policy change made at COLD meeting a couple weeks ago: No more short loan periods (30 days) for any type of item. Only the 60-day loans should be used for CSU+ items.
Some people are interested in seeing renewals for CSU+ items. Chris indicated that this is something the RSFC will consider at a future date.
Walked through how visiting patrons can obtain access to other CSU library collections. Included account set up in Alma and showed what the patron sees upon logging into Primo. Documentation of the process is forth coming.
Question: are visiting patrons allowed to submit CSU+ requests? Use case: online students who live closer to a campus other than their "home campus".
Mallory thinks yes. The policies have thus far been in favor of sharing more rather than less. Until specific guidelines and documentation are drafted she thinks you can assume that visiting patrons can have access to CSU+. However you'll need to ensure your local display logic rules and checkout policies allows the CalState Walkin Patrons user group to access these services.
Question: what about returning items?
Generally speaking items should be returned where they were checked out. If they are a CSU+ item in which case they can be returned to the lending library.