2018-01-12 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Continue discussion on proposed policy changesAll
  • Loan sequence policy
    • "limiting service to patrons" by encouraging people to use one service and not the other. There is some concern that encouraging one service is a form of limiting patron rights to choose how they use the library. Wanted to capture that in the policy to make sure it was a consideration the group made.
    • Lots of ways CSU+ can be prioritized over other ILL options.
      • converting loans from Illiad to CU+
        • how to identify an Illiad request came after CSU+ options were exhausted?
      • making Illiad the lender of last resort and removing Illiad request link all together
        • may be some display logic issues that would prevent this as an effective solution. Chris can't remember the specifics but it has to do with article requests...)
        • marketing of CSU+ on websites
        • updating Primo search scopes to include everything in the CSU to promote discovery of items available via the CSU
    • The policy will remain somewhat vague on what it means to prioritize CSU+ over Illiad. However the committee will come up with a suite of suggestions re: how to implement CSU+ as the first lender and campuses can choose what solutions work for them.
      • What to present to coordinating committee: text of what we currently have in addition to something like "there is no prescriptive way to go about implementing this. The comittee will put together a guide of options indicating multiple ways to adhere to this policy. Each campus may choose how they go about making CSU+ the priority lender"
  • Turn around time
    • include information about considering context: variables for searching: 1-2 day turn around should be the goal however context matters - the rota needs to be considered (if you're the only one in the rota you should sacrifice speed in the name of doing a complete search for the item)
  • Holds/recalls are not allowed. He will expand on this one. Not deadline dependent as it was already approved by COLD. 
    • Exception to no recalls rule: materials needed by lending library for course reserves.
    • Question about recalls: does this policy apply to ALL holds/recalls (local materials also?) or just csu+ items?
      • Chris says this applies to all checkouts/holds. The intent is to get material to the patron faster by avoiding long lists of holds and instead encouraging people to request a book via CU+ instead. In this way the person with the item checked out also receives a longer doesn't have a shortened loan period.
  • Will follow up on last 4 policies that were not reviewed via e-mail.

Tabled for next meeting

Request expiration

  • Currently requests are configured to never expire. We should probably remedy that. There has been some discussion about what the expiration should be. Let's discuss.

Goals for the group

ROTA tweaks for extreme cases

“Failed to send” messages from Chico and LA

Hold shelf expiration date policy



Systemside Alma Conference 2018

Action items
