2021-02-19 Discovery Functional Committee Meeting notes


Feb 19, 2021 @ 1PM




  • @Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed), @David Walker , Christian Ward, Christine Holmes, Cathy Outten, Andrew Carlos

  • Guests: @Mike DeMars (Unlicensed)

  • Excused: Paul Hottinger

Discussion topics










VE Eval:

General discussion


  • Norm rules/drools discussion

    • Now that view customization is under way, the group discussed when to send out the VE evaluation materials. It was suggested to wait until drools were presented at an open forum. Gabriel indicated that the network norm rules will not be converted in time for use to evaluate VE. As a result, they are recommending to use the OOTB drools. It was suggested that we show OOTB drools at an open forum.

    • Links section in full record

      • Could NRTF fix this prior to June?

    • Linkable/clickable subject headings

      • Could NRTF fix this?

    • GES are showing up in the Links for SJSU in VE

    • Would be good idea to get a write up of the details page metadata that could be acted up on in VE.

      • Looking at VE OOTB gives us a sense of where we need to go. Rather than try to recreate everything.

    • Need to emphasize that the evaluation is just that, there are capabilities that we will not have yet been able to configure. VE will be evaluated as not fully customized.

  • Testing plan progress

    • Updates discussed

    • The group indicated that they could get their evaluation forms ready by March 19th.

    • Andrew created a shared google folder to store all the feedback forms.

  • Schedule of testing


VE Eval:

New business

Full record display problem/drool requirement submission

@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed)

  • Brandon, Gabriel, and Mark would like to have a form for campuses to provide feedback on full record display issues

    • Gabriel will make the form


VE Eval:

VE Forums


  • Discussion

    • So far have received positive feedback.

    • A few campuses have not configured their systems, but most are on track

  • Upcoming schedule

    • Topics

      • 2/26

        • External data input

      • 3/5

        • ranking and boosting

        • link naming

        • other indexes (possibly)

        • Q&A, requests for support

    • Presenters

      • 2/26: Christian W., Jessie C. & Christine H., Heather C.

      • 3/5: TBD


VE Eval:

Feedback for Ex Libris

@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed) Christian Ward

  • Ben at ExL has requested feedback from the CSUs on the interface and documentation related to View Configuration and Search Profiles.



IZ records (equipment) displaying in CSU+ and beyond scopes

@Christine Holmes (Unlicensed)

  • Examples:
    OneSearch - laptop (exlibrisgroup.com)

  • SJSU has laptops circulation that they lend from a made-up ‘library’ in Alma. These show at all other CSU institutions in their CSU+/Everything scopes.

    • What is the solution to preventing these records from being visible at other campuses?

      • The group discussed options for modifying norm rules to exclude items from search based on local norm rules.

        • GES? SJSU has been unable to write one to date that would prevent this.

        • Info could go in a local field, then a Norm Rule or drool would look in the field, e.g. “no_CSU” to trigger a no display

    • At CSUEB they loan laptops as well but the records are suppressed so that they can circulate but never display in Primo.

  • SacState and CSUEB have collections that they don’t want circulating.

    • These show in the CALSPRINT feed.

      • Andrew brought up the example Zombies vs. unicorns showing

    • Christian will look at the Alma norm rules and report back at the next meeting.

Primo Release Notes - review and testing

@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed)

Standing item


Request for data

@David Walker

A librarian from University of Georgia asked us if we had any data or usability feedback related to changing the CSS on the full record “Sign-in for more options” button.

  • Not possible to answer this question using Primo Analytics data because it is not granular enough.


Old business
Custom Icon Types & ULMS Palooza



Action items

All members will have their area evaluation forms made in Google Forms and added to the Discovery Working Group shared folder on Google Drive (link in email) by the March 19th DFC meeting.
Members are advised to review the February Primo release features currently in place on the Sandbox before the release is moved to Production on March 14th.
Christian Ward will investigate Alma rules to determine if a norm rule can be created which excludes records from the CALS-Print data feed that goes into all campuses' CSU+ scopes (re: equipment displaying).
@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed) will make a drool creation form to pass requests to the Norm Rules Task Force which are essential for evaluation of VE.


  1. Given the existing timeline, it is not possible to translate all existing Primo Norm Rules into Primo VE/Alma drools. Therefore, campuses will be evaluating VE based on the out of the box (OOTB) drool set.