2020-11-20 Discovery Functional Committee Meeting notes


Nov 20, 2020

1PM Pacific


  • @Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed), Christian Ward, Cathy Outten, Christine Holmes, @David Walker

Excused absences: Andrew Carlos, Paul Hottinger, Christian Ward


  • Provide status updates on the four areas of Primo VE analysis

  • Plan next open forum

Discussion topics









1:00 PM

Call to order/ welcome

@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed)

  • Small group today. Sending good wishes to any DFC members not feeling well.


Survey : Norm Rules : Alma and/or Primo : Did you learn Norm Rules?

@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed) @David Walker

DFC members are encouraged to take the survey from @Mark Braden (Unlicensed) . Please also make sure that anyone at your institution who worked on norm rules replies too.

VE analysis update: load time - TABLED

Paul H.

  • Paul delivered this update via email:

  • Discussion

    • @David Walker raises the point that Ex Libris said initial searches on VE may be slow and that as caching increases, search times may improve.

    • Multiple tests will be required per campus

      • At least 3 separate tests (times and days), possibly more.


VE analysis update: back end usability

Christine H.

  • See draft plan here:

  • General approach - a task list, where users would perform same task in both PBO and Alma then compare satisfaction with two interfaces.

  • Need to create a Go VE page on the ULMS Disco wiki that lists all the videos and pages from the Knowledge Center. Primo VE page created.



VE analysis update: front end usability

Cathy O.

  • General approach - a task list, where users would perform same task in both current Primo prod and shadow Primo VE then compare satisfaction with two interfaces.

    • It is likely that there will be very few, if any, differences between the two interfaces that don’t have to do with results/relevancy.

  • Second group feedback

    • 4 surveys, one for each area of analysis.


VE analysis update: results/relevancy

Andrew C.

See draft plan here:

  • Both the local scope and a blended (w/ CDI) scope should be tested per campus.


Planning for next Open Forum


  • We are supposed to have one in December if we follow the schedule we set of having 2 per semester.

  • There is an intra-CSU meeting about the Go VE process on December 9 that may answer some of our questions regarding specific needs of Primo VE evaluation.

  • The Go VE kickoff meeting with the main testing campuses will be Monday, Jan. 11th, 2021; 9AM Pacific.

    • There will be a Discovery Function Committee meeting that week on Jan. 15th. We will iron out final details in the VE analysis testing plans and disseminate the testing plan documentation and forms to the campuses shortly thereafter.

  • We still need to get the names and contact information of the discovery people at each campus.


Custom resource type icons

@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed)

  • Campuses:

    • Long Beach - GG

    • Sacramento - CW

    • San Diego - Keven Jeffery

  • Sandboxes at these campuses will soon have custom resource type icons.

Action items

@Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed) email the ULMS project manager list to get up to date contact information for each campus' Primo administrator.
Gabriel will make a wiki page to collate all the Ex Libris Go VE training video recordings and some Knowledge Center documentation. (@Christine Holmes (Unlicensed) did this)
Reminder to all DFC members that the feedback forms need to collect some type of quantitative satisfaction measures so that these can be reported out to COLD.


  1. There will be a Discovery Function Committee meeting on Jan. 15th. We will iron out final details in the VE analysis testing plans and disseminate the testing plan documentation and forms to the campuses shortly thereafter.
  2. Rather than schedule an Open Forum in December where we may not have answers to questions about Primo VE testing, we will schedule it for Jan 22 or Jan 29 (exact date TBD).
  3. For the second wave/group of campuses that evaluate VE, we will be sending out 4 small surveys, one for each area of analysis, rather than 1 long survey.
  4. Anyone who has experience with PNX norm rules is encouraged to take @Mark Braden (Unlicensed)'s survey sent out to the Discovery list: https://calstatela.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6RtzeFPMbpoPehn (Due date: November 30th)