2023-09-28 Discovery Committee Meeting

Sep 28, 2023


  • Keven Jeffery, San Diego

  • Julie Shen, Pomona

  • Hannah Lee, Dominguez Hills

  • Kristi Chavez, Bakersfield

  • Ken Herold, Los Angeles

  • Chris Novak, San Francisco


  • David Walker, Chancellor’s Office

Discussion Topics










New Business/Steering Committee Update

@Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed)

9/22/2023 Steering Committee Notes


Discovery Testing Update

@Hannah Lee



Data Issues

@Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed)

  • Collaboration with Resource Management (Nerissa Lindsay, Chair)

    • Keven & Nerissa will discuss regularly

  • Joint task force with ERM, Resource Management, ILL

    • Christina will lead this effort

  • Create an overview of the data issues (duplicates, etc)

    • Survey or Guided Discussion


Primo Mobile Experience

@Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed)

EL Cases

Future considerations for Discovery 2025

  • What is our strategy, fix issues or recommend a new interface?

  • Are there any upcoming features that will fix some of these issues

  • Does the EL mobile agenda match our campuses mobile agenda?

  • We need to look at analytics for each campus, see the actual traffic (5-12%)

    • Will Google Analytics give more detailed analytics on what users are doing?

  • Can OneSearch be incorporated into an app? Are there campus apps in development.

  • Have any usability studies been done on Mobile Primo?

  • Can we present a different interface?

  • Can we survey our mobile users?

  • Campus mobile apps


Action Items


  • Christina Hennessey (Director, Unified Library Management System) will join next meeting to discuss a collaborative group working on data issues

    • Have examples of duplicate records or other problematic records - Global Title Index

      • 06667177 (Hannah)

    • Will there be an opportunity for a sub committee?

  • Mobile UX

    • We need to look at our user analytics for mobile -can David supply central analytics?

    • Look at the literature - Hannah/Kristi

    • We’ll look at the ex libris mobile cases for issues we want to champion - Julie

  • We will ask STIM to look at the state of laptop checkout across campus - Ken