2019-03-08 Meeting notes - Digital Archives


Mar 8, 2019


Tanya Hollis (SFSU), Kevin Cloud, Pam Kruger, George Thompson, April Gilbert/SJSU, Katie Lage (MLML), Patricia Prestinary(CSUF), Mallory Furnier, Steve Kutay, Julie Dinkins, Mark Bilby, Micah Jeffries(SJSU), Bin Zhang, Julie Thomas (Sacramento)

Recording [incomplete; the recording starts during the discussion following the SWAT report, and the ensuing discussion on the scope of the IR]: https://sfsu.zoom.us/recording/share/XLqFyhurMk9aFkFItfw1XVCCAzFinLEDt2NfVkB79pKwIumekTziMw?startTime=1552083274000


1. Report on the status, and potential outcomes, from the COLD SWAT Task Force (Alyssa and/or Kevin)

Recommended a governance board, additional staffing at CSU level, pursue income streams outside CSU. Scope of ScholarWorks: what will be included, and what should be in an outside system, ie digital archives materials, finding aids. COLD suggested a temporary governance structure based on SWAT Task Group.

Discussed scope of IR vs Digital Archives system; concerns were raised about how content is determined to fall within the IR, and what role campuses will play in determining scope on their campuses, based on workflow, institutional needs, etc. The governance board will take this up and will make recommendations.



2. DAMS Specifications: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hIMSc6Qu58MQTkR1zL4R3msXavVhzRow35oIAFCB_wI/edit#heading=h.vpmq3om0aepq

(Steve and Alyssa)

Background information, used by Steve and Alyssa as source documents: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17ZyzSi1OQMhGhlNedpP8wzVF_Gp7d1R5?usp=sharing

Creating functional requirements for Digital Asset Management System informed by SWAT survey results from November 2018. Steve reviewed the outline, and invited everyone to add suggestions (rather than edits). They welcome feedback and participation

3. Report from the Metadata Collective: (Tanya and Pam, with help from Kevin)

See: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ap39ghmU33M92xEnPeIaMV7yT8oB5GCmRasLkPfcSxk/edit?usp=sharing

Tanya and Kevin discussed the need for creating a standardized metadata requirements across all types of materials; Tanya invited participants to review the spreadsheet, and add terms that are missing, and/or assist with

Some questions raised: should we include PREMIS, PBCore?


4. Meeting schedule: should we convene every month, now that there are ongoing projects? If so, should we set up a standing meeting? (Tanya)

Through an informal poll via chat, it was determined that there is interest in a standing, monthly meeting. Tanya will create a poll to see what days are preferred.

5. If time allows: Group discussion about arclight (https://arclight-demo.projectblacklight.org/)

Description: ArcLight is an effort to build a Blacklight-based environment to support discovery (and digital delivery) of information in archives, initiated by Stanford University Libraries to allow discovery of physical and digital objects (e.g., finding aids described using EAD, full text search for digital archival materials, presentation and delivery of digital materials), that is compatible with Hydra and ArchivesSpace, and developed, enhanced, and maintained by the Hydra/Blacklight community

Time did not allow for a discussion of ArcLight; the hope is that we will have time in the future for a more lengthy discussion.