Digital Repositories Update - January 2021

Here’s the latest on our digital repository projects.

Annual meeting

Please reserve June 1-2 for the annual CSU digital repositories meeting.  The event will be held online again this year, hosted by San Francisco.  Keep an eye out for a call for presentations!

Digital Archives 

With a new year ahead of us, the Digital Repositories Committee (DRC) is ramping up work on the Digital Archives project, a planned sister system to ScholarWorks designed specifically for historical documents, photos, and other (non-research) digital assets.

The Digital Archives Working Group has spent the past year using self-assessment tools to gauge both campus readiness to migrate to a shared system, as well as evaluating systems that could serve as digital archives, with a focus on the Samvera framework.

In collaboration with the Chancellor’s Office, the DRC is now putting together a planning document and report to COLD, outlining next steps and timelines for the digital archives project, while also considering the limited budget and central staffing to support this and other systemwide initiatives.

In the meantime, the DRC is looking for a name for the CSU digital archives repository. If you have an idea for what it should be called, let us know! You may enter as many potential names as you would like, but get them in before March 1, 2022. Submissions may be anonymous, but a prize will be given to the person who submits the winning name. For more information, check out the contest form.


Much of the development work over the past three months in ScholarWorks has been focused on upgrading the system to Hyrax 2.9, fixing bugs, and customizations to support upcoming changes to the forms currently being proposed by the Work Forms Task Force. The task force has been engaged in a deep reevaluation of our current forms over the past three months.

Beginning in November, the Metadata Working Group has also been helping the campuses with data clean-up tasks as part of the ‘Field of the Month’ initiative.  This has included tips and tricks for using Excel to do bulk edits to metadata, presented at the past two Open Forums, and a more in-depth co-working session for ScholarWorks project managers scheduled for February 3rd at 10 AM. Email Melissa Seelye if you would like to join.