ScholarWorks Update - February 2017

We're Taking Off!

COLD Report - February 10, 2017

On Friday, February 10, 2017, Carmen Mitchell (CSU San Marcos) and I were invited to present the status of the ScholarWorks Hydra migration project. The project was well recieved and there is a lot of excitement throughout the CSU in the future of ScholarWorks and the features and services that this move will expose, not just for our institutional repositories, but for our scholarly communications projects. The ouline below covers the update that was provided to COLD and includes links to a few examples. For any questions, please reach out to Former user (Deleted).

Current Highlights and Status


Following the usage information provided during the August ScholarWorks Symposium, ScholarWorks has continued to grow at an average monthly rate of 60GB. We've added close to 10,000 items, and we are quickly pushing the limits of our current storage capabilities. By the end of 2017, we will effectively have used all of our available local storage capacity.

So, this migration and the cloud deployment architecture that has been developed plays a significant role in the ongoing usability of ScholarWorks.

Planning for Performance, Reliability, Uptime & Recovery

With the platform established (Hyrax), and data migration development nearly complete, the recent focus has been on deployment architecture planning and testing. With a focus on configuration control, automation and scalability, we will be utilizing a combination of AWS application deployment services and storage options that provide the most reliable and secure system with an eye towards cost optimization.

By leveraging the scaling features available through AWS, we will be able to offer as-needed performance optimization while limiting cost when we performance is not a primary concern.

This strategy also takes advantage of established DevOps practices and source control for configuration details. This allows repositories to be created quickly and repeatably. This also establishes a startup process that in the event of a recovery can restart systems in minutes, in an identically configured state as the original server.

Progress & Evolution

So far in 2017, an incredible amount of progress has been made in preparing and finalizing the deployment process. At the same time, the Hyrax project has continued work with workflow deposit processes that are critical in our project. The platform now offers workflows that address the majority of our needs and is ready to being wider review.

Metadata & Governance

During the course of this project, I have continued to review the need for the ScholarWorks group of users to focus on metadata cleanup and working toward establishing best practices. While I will be able to analyze and clean up some of the existing metadata, some local decisions and global decisions will need to be made. We will begin with a review of the Orbis Cascade Dublin Core Best Practices as an excellent example of outlining field requirements and recommendations. I will also be communicating with each campus for a metadata review and approval process.

Additionally, in order to improve the communication around ScholarWorks projects throughout the campuses, we will establish a ScholarWorks Liaison group with a member from each campus, regardless of IR platform, we are hoping to improve the awareness of all IR and scholarly communication projects throughout the CSU. A request from STIM and COLD will go out looking for membership suggestions. Look for the that soon.

Stats Upgrade

As mentioned in my last update, I am working on an upgraded statistics dashboard. Going into this development will be additional reporting and tracking features in order to offer better reports and usage data of the repositories, items, and works by facutly and students.


Links to Development Repositories

Other Examples

What about DSpace?

DSpace support will continue through this year for typical support issues and critical support requests. At this time, we will no longer commit support resources into DSpace customization work as it is likely to complicate and delay the migration project. Again, if you have any questions, please reach out to Former user (Deleted).