ScholarWorks Update - October 2016

It's been a while since my last project blog update. After the ScholarWorks Symposium, I have been very busy working behind the scenes to prepare the data migration plan, features we need integrated into Hydra and working with the Hydra community to ensure that features that we will need as a long time Dspace repository platform will require to move forward with a Hydra based repository.

Hydra Licensed Contributor

As of this morning, October 26th, The California State University is a licensed contributing institution within the hydra community, represented by myself as the developer.

What does this mean?

  • I can officially be involved in Hydra project sprints, working groups, and contribute documentation.
  • I can contribute code directly the Hydra Project
  • Most importantly, by being included in working groups and contributing code, I can ensure that features we need move forward in the community. We are already seeing traction with this in the "Mediated Deposit" group - implementing DSpace like workflows in the Hydra project.

Hydra Connect 2016

Look closely and I think you'll find me in there. At the beginning of October I was able to attend Hydra Connect 2016. This was an excellent conference to connect with the core project hydra team, effectively answer development questions during the excellent workshops, and get ideas for the future of our repository projects from the great presentations.

Not only was it a great educational opportunity for me within the Hydra project, but it was also an excellent way to get our migration projects on the radar of the hydra community and get feedback, guidance, and assistance.

DSpace Migration Status

Feature Implementation Update

Item Submission Workflows

  • Termed "Mediated Deposit" in Sufia
  • Actively integrating established workflow infrastructure used in other hydra projects into Sufia
  • Workable demo expected 10/28/16
  • Completeion of working group/Integration into Sufia core expected 12/2/16

SWORD Deposit Support

  • In planning phase
  • Expected working demo 12/2/16

Handle Server Resolution

  • In planning phase
  • Expected working demo 12/23/16

Metadata Migration Update

  • The rake (ruby talk for a script) job has been created that successfully reads DSpace exported AIP packages and creates the Sufia work and attaches the related digital objects.

In Progress

    • Identify required Work types to implement per campus. (In hydra, a "works" is essentially equivalent to a DSpace item, however works define the metadata attribute set whereas in dspace any registered metadata field can be added to any item. This could be implemented by including only one "work" type, with all possible metadata fields, but this isn't very efficient.)
    • Collection Structure Migration - implementation/migration of Dspace collection and community naming structure into Hydra "administrative sets" (the analogous label to collections) and move collection and community naming into appropriate metadata values that will enhance searching and faceting.


    • Initial metadata-complete Migration of select CSU San Marcos collections - 10/28/16
    • Complete metadata migration of CSU San Marcos repository - 11/10/16

Project Planning and Documentation

  • A combination of Github, Github Projects/Issues and Trello will be used to track an communicate individual campus migration project planning. Watch for communications from me for your campus by the end of the year.
  • This wiki will be updated with user and developer documentation as feature and workflow practices are finalized.

Overall Project Timeline Status

  • On target for full metadata migration demos by end-of-year 2016.
  • On track for proposed timeline of full migration by summer of 2017.


Since the announcement of the migration project at the ScholarWorks symposium, I have been very focused on this projects. While travel and other commitments have had minimal impact on the initially proposed timeline, the progress that has been made in the last two months has us on target to hit that timeline successfully.

Watch for further communication and documentation here, as well as campus specific project links in the coming months.