2018-11-07 Meeting notes - Digital Archives


Nov 7, 2018


Tanya Hollis, Aditi Worcester, Julie Thomas, Kevin Cloud, Alyssa, George, Pam, Steve, Patricia, Bin Zhang



1. Discussion of COLD SWAT Team (you can read the charge at )

Kevin gave a brief overview of the charge, and discussed the work that will be happening in advance of the February report to COLD, including surveying campuses.

2. Survey of all the campuses regarding current digital asset management systems, and needs and desires for the new platform. A draft Google form is available in CSU Digital Archives drive: Draft of the Google Form

Discussed the scope and timeline for creating a survey of all the campuses to determine interest in migrating or contributing to a digital library, what requirements/features they wish the new DAMS to have, and what resources, if any, they have to implement using the DAMS on their campus. The survey team: Tanya, George, and Pam, will work with the COLD SWAT to ensure that questions do not overlap, and will be useful for their purposes. Kevin shared the original requirements drafted for Scholarworks, to provide some background:



3. Requirements/specifications for incorporation of archival materials into Samvera; formation of a working group. Alyssa and Steve volunteered to begin drafting specifications, and looking for existing documentation such as Zach’s work.

4. Metadata Requirements for archival materials migrating into Samvera, such as newspapers, photographs, books, and other formats


Data Modeling Spreadsheet:


Samvera community example: https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=87461201

Portland Common Data Model Resources: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/wiki/Portland-Common-Data-Model-Resources

Kevin provided an overview of the need to have metadata schema for all the types of materials that will be migrated. Timeline: As soon as possible. A working group was formed, including George, Patricia and Tanya.

5. ArchivesSpace hosting

Due to the current commitments of the CO staff, and the staff requirements for centrally hosting ArchivesSpace, there are no immediate plans for the Chancellor’s Office to take on the hosting for CSU libraries. Alternatives were discussed, such as hosting through LibraryHost (https://libraryhost.com/), and affordable option at a cost of $450-$1800/year, and hosting through Lyrasis (https://www.lyrasis.org)

6. Related discussion, for a possible future project: Patricia Prestinary at CSU, Fullerton shared an example of a pipe from ArchivesSPace to OneSearch. To test it go to:


Search: Frank Herbert

Resource type: Archival materials