2019-04-19 Meeting Notes - Digital Archives


Apr 19, 2019


Tanya Hollis (SFSU), Kevin Cloud, Pam Kruger, Stefani Baldivia, George Thompson, Alyssa Loera, Julie Thomas (Sac State), Bin Zhang (Sac), Jeanine Scaramozzino (Cal Poly), Jamie Zeffery (LA)



1. New Implementation Group, and the future of the IGs (Kevin Cloud): Kevin shared the the new Implementation Team’s proposed governance structure, which includes a more formal role for potential Working Groups:

(See Appendix)


2. Standing meetings schedule: It was decided that standing meetings will now be 4th Friday of the month, at 2pm

3. Samvera Requirements / DAMS Specifications follow up (Alyssa Loera): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hIMSc6Qu58MQTkR1zL4R3msXavVhzRow35oIAFCB_wI/edit?usp=sharing

Reviewed Samvera Requirements, and discussed the need for further clarification within the survey portion of what contributors intended, and terminology. Discussed timeline for the completion of the report; given that there are many commitments on the part of the primary authors, and that the implementation of the IR takes precedence, a tentative deadline of end of summer, 2019 was suggested, with the possibility of extending beyond if needed. When completed, it was suggested that members of the Implementation Team bring the report to that group, for promotion to COLD. It was also suggested that there may be a need to have more in depth discussion around specific topics within the report, such as exhibitions and preservation. Tanya will work with Alyssa, and Steve Kutay to discuss their desire for more input and what, if any conversations we should have with the DA Interest Group.


4. Metadata Requirements (Tanya and Kevin): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ap39ghmU33M92xEnPeIaMV7yT8oB5GCmRasLkPfcSxk/edit?usp=sharing

Tanya shared the progress made on the Metadata Requirements; a general discussion led to the group’s feeling that we should also begin looking at requirements for audiovisual materials, perhaps based on requirements developed by California Revealed, as so many institutions are now participating in their efforts. Tanya will reach out to the Metadata Interest Group to see if there’s a possibility of having a joint meeting, and what role the DAIG should play going forward.