ScholarWorks Update - November 2016

This ScholarWorks project update is primarily focused on presenting an initial example of the Hydra/Sufia platform with data migrated from our existing DSpace platform. 

Data Migration Preview

The screen on the left, is a full item view from DSpace (, the center screen is the short view in DSpace ( and the image on the right is a work view in Hydra/Sufia ( 

Preliminary Demos of Hydra/Sufia

Note: These two instances are pointing at the same data sources.

DSpace Migration Status

Data Migration Status

  • All of the most used metadata fields have been mapped into PCDM as shown above.
  • Digital objects (bitstreams in DSpace) are successfully attached to the correct work and named appropriately.
  • Historical metadata (provenance, dates, submission user, etc) are being maintained (e.g. Fedora Object for the above work:
  • Embargoes are being appropriately applied
  • Capturing Community & Collection data in metadata fields for faceted browsing

Outstanding Data Migration Work

  • Map individual local metadata fields and create facets as appropriate
  • Assign thumbnail images when present
  • Establish plan for display Dspace communities & collections
    • Will be communicating and coordinating timelines with individual campuses.
  • Estimate individual campus data movement time requirements based on size, transfer calculations and import timing calculations 

Project Planning and Documentation

Overall Project Timeline Status

  • On target for full metadata migration demos by end-of-year 2016.
  • On track for proposed timeline of full migration by summer of 2017.


Big strides toward success have been completed in the last several weeks. The data migration is progressing smoothly and necessary features will be incorporated very soon. The next interim release of Hydra/Sufia (7.3) is on the very near horizon, and this will include much of the feature work that is significant for our project (specifically mediated deposit) is expected to be included in that release. I'm happy to be able to present the above demos at this time as it shows the substantial progress and work that has gone into this project with a commitment to success.

Thank You