2022-05-13 DFC Meeting Notes


May 13, 2022


  • @Ian Chan (Unlicensed), @Christine Holmes, Hannah Lee, Cathy Outten, @David Walker, @Christian Ward

  • Guests: @brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics








@Christian Ward

  • April Open Forum Rescheduled for May 20th




  • Customer Satisfaction Survey Feedback

    • Submitted detailed responses to Ex Libris of the top 3 Primo VE issues.

      • uResolver Matching Issues

      • Features not working: LC browse search, date newest filter, journal search, ranking, performance issues

      • Inadequate Analytics for Assessing Performance and Usage of Primo VE

    • Ex Libris provided some initial feedback but will discuss at a future date.

    • Ian brought up the point of knowing what are Primo VE issues that EXL is working to resolve versus issues that are intrinsic to discovery.

    • The group noted that some products seem to get more attention to fix issues (ex Leganto) while other more established products (Primo/VE) have slower response time.

  • LibKey

    • The group discussed impressions of the vendor presentation:

      • It does provide nice functionality for Primo VE , specifically the retraction watch feature

      • Don't like having to think about another software to fix something that should be a part of the system

      • Implementing a third-party tool may be a deterrent for Ex Libris to fix functionality

    • David will bring this to the ULMS Steering Committee for further discuss.

    • David will talk with Sonoma about their experience with the LibKey.

    • Ask vendor for price and technical demand on implementation.

  • Archival Material Resource Type

    • Are most of the records cleaned up?

      • Brinna Pam Anan verified that most of the work is completed on this issue. A few campuses have not gotten back to her, but did change their records.

  • Wiki Site Redesign

    • A big THANKS to Hannah’s help design and help making the new site possible.

  • Quicklinks/Newspapers Search

    • Some campuses have turned this functionality on and have discovered that Quicklinks are also a part of newspaper search, but the links are not proxied. A salesforce case has been filed and Ex Libris indicated it should be fixed by November 2022.


Discovery and Rapido

@Christian Ward

Chris Lee and @Christian Ward met with Ex Libris to discuss Primo VE changes as a result of implementing Rapido. From that conversation and testing we have identified the following anticipated changes:

  • Modifying Search Profiles

    • Requires CDI not filtered by availability

  • Configuring Views

    • Enable Rapido

    • Blank ILL form

    • Search profile slots

    • Move Rapido offers on full record

  • Visual Changes

    • Expand My Results options move to the top of results list

    • Blank ILL form link presented after results are expanded

    • Rapido offers is a separate section in the full record details; Primo VE requesting options may also be available

    • Open Library integration may create visual anomalies

  • See the Discovery and Rapido wiki

Open Forum Topics

@Christian Ward

  • Next Session: May 20th @ 1pm - Discovery and Rapido