2022-01-14 DFC Meeting Notes


Jan 14, 2022


  • @Ian Chan (Unlicensed), @Christine Holmes (Unlicensed), Hannah Lee, Cathy Outten, @David Walker, @Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • Guests: @brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics








@Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • Primo VE Evaluation Slack Channel Archived

  • December Open Forum Topics (Adding Scholarworks, Managing Primo VE Updates, Primo Search Scope Analysis)

  • Discovery Satisfaction Survey - Submitted


@brandon dudley (Unlicensed) @David Walker

  • General Updates

  • Norm Rule Request Process/Feedback

    • Brandon recommends providing an overview of the norm rule request process to the Discovery group. He would also like feedback on the process and organization.

    • This will be added as a topic at the next open forum.

  • Audio/Video Resource Type?

    • The group refreshed its memory on the topic: Primo VE can only have a single resources type for a record, and campuses have reported wanting both general Audio/Video limiting as well as specific format types.

    • The group agreed to research the issue further before asking the larger Discovery group for confirmation and scale of the issue.

Archival Material Resource Type

@Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

Online Access, Full Text Available, No Full Text Available labeling issues

@Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • Changing labels to create consistent user messaging

    • Sometimes availability information on the brief results is not the same information that displays on the full record display. For example:

      • Full Text Available on brief results → No Full Text Available on full record, then No Full Text Available when viewing the brief results again.

    • The issue seems to stem from when uresolver is called in the search result process. Ie, not on the brief results but only on the full record. Once availability has been determined on the full record, the brief results indicator is updated.

    • EXL has recommended to either change the metadata of affected records to match availability, or to change the label for both Alma items and CDI items to be the same text (either a specific availability or a generic availability message).

    • The group discussed these options and concurs that changing the metadata to correct availability issues is recommended over changing the labels.

    • It’s not clear how widespread these issues are, so the group would like to get feedback from the discovery community, and share the recommended method resolving resolving availability issues.

    • This will be added to the next Open Forum

    • David mention the LibKey Link resource as a possibility for creating a uResolver failover. Christine has seen product demos and did not see much added value at the time. It might be worth examining if the solution would add value to the user.

Open Forum Topics

@Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • Next Session: February 11, 2022

  • Survey discovery group for suggested topics.

    • Norm Rules Request Process Feedback (BD)

    • Troubleshooting Availability Issues

    • Dedup and FRBR Issues (CW)

Wiki Site Redesign Survey

@Christian Ward (Unlicensed) Hannah Lee

  • Send survey to Discovery list

    • Christian will send out the survey email to the discovery list for feedback by Feb 4.

New Items

