2022-03-11 DFC Meeting Notes


Mar 11, 2022


  • @Ian Chan (Unlicensed), @Christine Holmes (Unlicensed), Hannah Lee, Cathy Outten, @David Walker, @Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • Guests: @brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics








@Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • February Open Forum Topics (Wiki Site Feedback Survey Results, Troubleshooting Availability Issues, Primo VE Dedup/FRBR)


@brandon dudley (Unlicensed) @David Walker

  • General Updates

    • Brandon will be meeting with Ex Libris to discuss customer satisfactions survey in greater detail and focus on CDI and Primo VE issues. Brandon scheduled a meeting with David, Christian, and Ian to discuss detailed talking points and examples for Ex Libris.

    • David mentioned that changes in Scholarworks may trickle down to changes in OneSearch as time goes on. He will keep the group updated.

    • Ian asked about Angular JS backwards compatibility. Will this impact our customization package?

      • David made several changes to the central package in anticipation of the Angular update

    • He also asked about Rapido and how that will impact requesting or local get it customizations.

      • Too soon to tell, but there will be changes to requesting options available on full records.

  • Audio/Video Resource Type

@Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

Orbis Cascade Alliance is facing the same issue (only one resources type per a record) and is working with NERS to consolidate the following enhancement requests into a central request:

  • 7816 - Make Primo VE predefined resource display type rules locally editable

  • 7928 - Increase locally defined local resource types

  • 7790 - Ability to Edit Primo VE OTB Resource Types

  • 7791 - Ability to Assign Multiple Resource Type Facets and Pre-filters to a Single Record in Primo VE

The new NERS request will be called:

  • Requesting Flexibility in Primo VE Local Resource Type Configuration

Applying an NZ Logic rule to correct the problematic uResolver records

@Christine Holmes (Unlicensed)

Christine provided examples of the issue:

  • Example Records: Paying the Price (@SLO) or Parasite (@San Bernardino), Night of the Living Dead (@San Jose)

    • Records have multiple electronic services available for video resources when they should not.

    • Project Gutenberg records are displaying on non-book records.


@David Walker

 Discuss a demo of LibKey

  • David would like to arrange a meeting with the vendor to demo the product for the DFC.

  • Christian will send a doodle poll to find a day and time that works for everyone.

Archival Material Resource Type

@Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • OCLC has process all but 200 records.

    • The NZ Management Group will work with campuses to verify/resolve record issues for the remaining records.

  • Christian updated the group on the progress made to resolve the 2300+ records in the CSU affected by this.

    • Christine noted that this happens with other material types as well (conference proceedings)

Wiki Site Redesign Survey

@Christian Ward (Unlicensed) Hannah Lee

Implement the discovery wiki change design changes

  • David will give Hannah access to the confluence and the ability to put the new design in place.

  • Hannah will update the site by the end of March 2022.

Open Forum Topics

@Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • Next Session: April 8th @ 1pm

  • Survey discovery group for suggested topics

    • Accessibility Evaluation of Primo VE

New Items
