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| Announcements | Michaela | Action item from Nov meeting: David, Katie, and Chris will work on reviewing and updating existing info Next meeting in Feb (Jan meeting cancelled)
| Deleted ScholarWorks Records in Primo | Chris | Example record |
| Incorrect links in Primo | Michaela | The record type and link are displaying incorrectly. Example record Harvested record in Primo not showing up correctly in another institution’s (CSULA) Primo |
| Awarded Grants metadata mapping | David | Digital Repositories Steering Committee update John, VP research SDSU: library of successful CSU grant proposals David: these kinds of materials are in scope for ScholarWorks Explore adding grant proposals as a pilot project–in spring or summer Office of research is thinking of this as a CSU-wide resource Not sure yet who would do the loading/how that would work yet Issues to consider: ORCID integration project/future possibilities; is this something repository managers would be responsible for soliciting?; would this include funding from offices of research? Not a secret but not sure how widely this has been circulated through the CSUs yet. Open Grants database