2021-10-27 Meeting notes


Oct 27, 2021


  • Kelly Ann Sam, San Marcos (Chair, July 2021 - June 2022)

  • Rachael Joy Davis, Sacramento (Vice-Chair, July 2021 - June 2022)

  • Dawnelle Ricciardi, Sonoma (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)

  • Karolyn Grimm, Stanislaus (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)

  • Metassebia Hailu, East Bay (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)

  • Jia-Xun (Jia Jia) Wong, San Luis Obispo (Member, July 2021 - June 2023)

  • Chris Lee, CO Ex Officio


Finalize Walk-In User Policy (work with RSFC)
Leganto Support
Alma/Primo Release Notes
Reopening/COVID Support
Review and Update Wiki

 Discussion topics





Campus Updates/Announcements 

  • Stanislaus staff/faculty returning to 5 days a week 

Steering Committee Meeting Update

  • CSU-UC reciprocal agreement is still under review pertaining to $ for borrowing books and courier services  

  • Standardizing Alma User Groups 

    • Holding off on this right now because the work would be large amount of work

    • Would have to create all new user groups and apply that to current users 

    • Positives would be that we could run clean reports across all CSUs but not major positive for local reports 

  • Inclusive Description Task Force update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UgpWQ4Fu-XNe_KeViHmEd-hB9IcOieOSv2-hVP0OSgE/edit 

FFC COVID Survey Results Review 

  • Review COVID survey results / prepare draft

Leganto Survey 

  • Review Leganto survey

 Action items

Draft email of summary of results - send out next week
