2021-08-10 Meeting notes


Aug 10, 2021


  • Kelly Ann Sam, San Marcos (Chair, July 2021 - June 2022)

  • Rachael Joy Davis, Sacramento (Vice-Chair, July 2021 - June 2022)

  • Dawnelle Ricciardi, Sonoma (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)

  • Karolyn Grimm, Stanislaus (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)

  • Metassebia Hailu, East Bay (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)

  • Jia-Xun (Jia Jia) Wong, San Luis Obispo (Member, July 2021 - June 2023)

  • Chris Lee, CO Ex Officio

 Discussion topics





Welcome New FFC Members

  • Introductions

  • Jia Jia Wong from SLO

  • Rachael-Joy Davis from Sacramento

Vice-Chair Volunteer

  • Rachael-Joy will be Vice-Chair 

Meeting Times

  • Bi-weekly 

  • Wednesday 

  • Send out Doodle poll for times 

Projects to Work on for 21/22 

  • CSU Walk-In Policy Update 

    • Work with Karla from RSFC

  • Look at recent release notes 

  • Leganto 

    • Reach out to campuses using it 

    • How they are using it

    • What they want to know

  • Reopening / COVID support 

Campus Updates/Announcements 

  • Each campus has different vaccine requirements

    • Testing 1-2x a week

  • Many returning to full-time hours or 10pm-midnight

 Action items

Kelly Ann finish adding 20/21 Meeting notes in Wiki
Kelly Ann move old FFC drive to new one 
Send Doodle poll for Wednesday meeting times
Send excel sheet for updates for Fall
