2020-02-20 Meeting notes (MWG)


Jan 9, 2020


  • @Elyse Fox (Unlicensed)

  • @Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

  • @Brianne.Hagen (Unlicensed)

  • @Nicole Shibata (Unlicensed)

  • @Lia Ryland (Unlicensed)

Meeting Recording:


Discussion topics









10 min


@Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

  • Batch processing

    • Looking into first step, setting to resource types

  • Campus-based listings for embargoes/leases in production

    • First step in place, will robustify

  • Identifiers to be added to production

  • Dates: DW working on process to normalize date_issued (to use for faceting). For admin, sorting exists for date_uploaded and date_modified, add sorting for date_issued (normalized)?

    • Why date uploaded/modified for sorts? Default from Hyrax, part of Hyrax Basic Metadata

10 min

Rights URI

@Lia Ryland (Unlicensed)

  • PubMed identifiers required for some faculty works

  • Auto-generated rights? Might more user friendly

    • KC: Difficult to capture all use cases and reduce fields

  • How do campuses input licenses/rights;

    • mostly user input, some folks staff

    • concern about staff doing rights in long run

  • KC: To do rights block reorder/clean up (rights statement, holder, uri, note)

  • Suggestions: linked drop downs/auto population; distinct CC field (license in ScholarWorks)

  • Rights URI – KC to bring to next DRC meeting; KC to review rights in DSpace data for next steps

20 min

Resolve Data dictionary comments/issues

@Elyse Fox (Unlicensed)

@Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

@Brianne.Hagen (Unlicensed)

@Nicole Shibata (Unlicensed)

@Lia Ryland (Unlicensed)

10 min

Discipline facets

@Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

@Elyse Fox (Unlicensed)

  • Discuss how we can review and implement CSU discipline faceting

    • Use bepress as template?

    • KC working on list to load into dev site for review

10 min

Collection level metadata

@Elyse Fox (Unlicensed)

TBD: EF will email regarding

Action items

Compare Hyrax work forms to data modeling spreadsheet: Bri - Student research; Lia - Publications; Nicole - Research data; Elyse - OERs. Send any other updates to KC.
Review UC/BePress taxonomy for CSU compliance
Subject Access survey to be distributed at PM meeting, 2/21
Vote on Vice-Chair