2023-11-7 Meeting notes


Nov 7, 2023


  • @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

  • Stacie Jensen

  • Jung Ah Lee

  • Shana Higgins

  • Elizabeth Tibbitts

  • Ben Amata

  • @Christina Hennessey

 Discussion topics









10 min


Natalya and Christina

  • Steering Committee

    • NZ folder

      • Christina has configured at all campuses

    • IZ Rapido Dashboard – campus prompts were removed and Turn around report was made more granular by including month to the report

    • COLD strategic planning – last plan went through 2021, a consultant is being brought in to help facilitate planning withCOLD. Assessment & Analytics FC could supply ideas for Strategic Priorities #3 Infrastructure for Innovation. 

      • Idea from committee – look at most requested titles report and is there an opportunity for shared collection development print as well as e-resources?

      • Additional ideas can be shared with Christina or Natalya.

  • Case (06929396) filed about Analytics usage tracking – no updates, Christina will bring up with Ex Libris at 11/14 meeting with Support

  • Meeting notes added to the wiki

  • December COLD meeting – Deans will be reminded that the CO covered Rapido during trial but that campuses will be funding going further. Rapido dashboard can be used to help COLD evaluate Rapido.

10 min

IZ Rapido Dashboard


  • What should we name it? NZ Rapido Dashboard for NZ.

  • Should we include it in the dashboards drop down? The NZ dashboard will show up under California State University Network.

  • Anything else? Natalya will follow up with email.

20 min

Network Zone folder inventory


10 min

December open forum


  • Date and time – Dec 7, 2023 at 2pm

  • Agenda ideas:

    • Network zone folder – showing Rapido dashboard, talk about column filters

    • Beginning level training – Lisa’s videos from 6 years ago

    • How to navigate in Analytics

    • Is there a glossary?

10 min

Analytics management policy


  • Continue brainstorming

    • Process may take whole year, once draft document is prepared it will require constituent feedback.

 Action items

@Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed) will send out meeting poll for December open forum planning
