2023-10-12 Meeting notes


Oct 12, 2023


  • @Natalya Magazino (Unlicensed)

  • Stacie Jensen

  • Jung Ah Lee

  • Shana Higgins

  • Elizabeth Tibbitts

  • Ben Amata

  • @Christina Hennessey


  • Discuss NZ folder configuration

  • Brainstorm for analytics management plan

  • Discuss updates to Rapido dashboard

  • Open forum planning

 Discussion topics









10:00 - 10:10am



  • Steering Committee Update

    • Natalya attended meeting and reported on our goals for the year

  • Welcome Christina

  • Introductions

  • Network Zone folder

    • Christina distributed the permissions to all the campuses so the folder is now available to those that have the appropriate settings configured in their IZ.  Our committee will propose to the Steering Committee that this be configured for all campuses.

10:10 - 10:45

Analytics management plan


  • History of analytics cleanup

    • Documents shared by Christina and other past members on this initiative

  • Goals/Objectives?

    • Members encouraged to add thoughts/ideas to document to help in creation of management plan and policies

  • Analytics Usage Tracking report

    • Report created during meeting and saved in NZ Analytics> Reports folder

  • Folder inventory

    • Natalya will make assignments for running the Analytics Usage Tracking report on folders in the NZ as well as the Shared CalState folders

10:45 - 10:55

Rapido dashboard updates


  • Journal requests report

    • Natalya will email everyone the file path for the journals report so everyone can review it

  • Partner filter changes

    • Proposal for changing filter on Rapido lending reports to partner profile type instead of partner name for identifying request fulfilled via Rapido vs ILLiad. Committee members are asked to test reports in your IZ and report back if there are discrepancies.

10:55 - 11:00

Open forum planning


  • When?

    • Natalya will send a poll for additional planning meeting and when to hold open forum

  • Agenda:

    • Show and tell

      • Reserves dashboard -Stacie will share dashboard and reports created for Sac State

    • Office hours/analytics help

      • Committee will request questions in advance so we have time to research if necessary

    • New UI features - Jung Ah will present on this

 Action items
