2023-09-26 Publishing Interest Group Agenda and Meeting Notes
Sep 26, 2023
@Dana Ospina (Unlicensed)
@David Walker
Matt Martin
Pam Kruger
Kyle Morgan
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| |
MOU | Dana | Group will comment by 10/10 | |
| Editor Roundtable | All | Dave and Dana will reach out to and invite campus contacts and journal editors Tentative mid-Feb event Kyle will provide info on how it works with DC |
| Campus contacts | Dave | Some campus contacts are nonexistent: CI, Maritime, Sac, LA, East Bay, SJSU Should we have a standing reintroduction to campuses |
| Journal guide | Dave | Dave will create accounts for the Journal guide for anyone who wants one |
| Migration guide creation | Matt | Possible project? |